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Lindsey’s POV:

It’s been almost a week since we fought and we have been together since then.

Even though it hurt me because I no more had a clinic, it’s good at home too!

And as they were saying, we have to go on a tour as ordered by Simon Cowell.

It’s nice because I’ve been seeing the others girls more at home.

Looks like Eleanor is almost done with her studies at the university.

But still, she has some work in the foreign countries because she’s a model.

Perrie will be here until we go for the tour. And after that, she has some tours to do with ‘Little Mix’.

Sophia was cool, though. But she didn’t get along that well with us.

She had her own busy schedules with modeling.

And here I am Mrs.Styles sitting here at home. And Niall is very happy about that because, as he says yummy food at home.

Aw, poor guy. He still hasn’t met his other half. I wish that he sees her soon.

I got a few calls from Kelsey; looks like she’s busy with some live show in America.

And today, Harry told me that he’d teach me how to bake cakes.

I told him that I know how to bake.

But he insisted me to learn the secret recipe from him.

As soon as he came home, he went upstairs and took a shower.

You’re asking me how come I know. His hair is dripping wet now.

Liam was teasing him, “Looks like 2014 Harry is back!” (A/N: You know that this story is set in the year 2020)

“Shut up, Leeroy!”

“Hm. So you’re teaching me how to bake cakes right?”

“Yeah… That is why I’m here in this kitchen with my wife,” he said coming too close to me.

I simply pushed him back saying, “I guess, you are ONLY here to teach me how to bake.”


“Fine let’s start with the dough…”

It took almost an hour for his special cake to get baked.

It smelled delicious too. As soon as he took it out from the oven all the heads in the hall turned to the kitchen.

“Woah! Homemade cakes!” Perrie said jumping up and down and so did Niall.

We just ate the cake and frankly speaking; it was delicious.

Niall started singing, “I want, I want, I want, but that’s crazy….”

“Niall we can do this often for you. Can’t we, harry?” I said assuring Niall.

Niall went crazy after that.

                ~             ~             ~             ~

I opened my Twitter after a week.

Still hate was poured over me. But some were sweet too!

I followed the ones who said sweet things about Harry and me.

And I just realized that they have given us a ship name, “Hansey”.

How sweet!

“Harry look! We have a ship name! Guess what it’d be?” I said waking him up during the nap he was having after recording a song for their next album.

“I don’t know.”

“It’s….. Hansey!!”

“Okay. Just leave me alone! Don’t go crazy over this small thing. It’s just a ship name. So what?”


“Can you get out of here for God’s sake? I need to sleep!”

“Okay,” I said closing the door.

As soon as I came out of the room, I found Niall outside with his laundry clothes.

“Did- did you overhear our conversation?”

“Nope. But it was audible in the hall too.”

 “Niall!” I said crying over his shoulders.

We’ve been like best friends ever since I started cooking for him.

“That’s alright. Maybe it’s because he hadn’t got proper sleep for days,” he said patting my back.

“Why aren’t you my brother?”

“You wouldn’t want that. If I was your brother, you’d be cursing me for being your brother.”

“Oh, you mean like being stalked by the fans and stuffs?”


“I miss taking care of the pets.”

“ I’ll talk about that to Harry.”

“No need for that. I you do say that to him, I’m gonna kill you. Let him find out all by himself.”


I went downstairs to watch a random show on the television.

Everything went great until I found One Direction’s music video on it.

It said: “One way or another (teenage kicks)”

In that in one scene Harry was showing the door to the audience as if we don’t know what a door is.

He looked cute, adorable, lovable -and whatever sweet things you can say- with that red nose on him.

I was smiling at the television.

“Oooh, somebody is drooling over their husband on TV…”

It was none other than Louis.

“Shut up,” I said covering my face so that he wouldn’t see me blushing like an idiot.

“Are you blushing?” Liam asked me.

“No,” I said bluntly.

I went to the room where Harry was sleeping to get my mobile.

I was getting used to “You and I” because Harry set that as my ringtone.

I got an unexpected call from him.


Hope you like it! ~N

Newly Wed Harry *BOOK 1*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora