Chapter 19: Double Date Part 3

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The world was shitting themselves.

Everyone that had access to TV and/or the internet had watched/seen/or heard of the deaths of the the hands of a bunch of fucking teenagers. Heroes the world over were gearing up for battle, and villains the world over were pissed off because they, with their superior numbers, plans, tactics, powers, and ideals, could not do what a four-man team of children just did.

However, what was happening in the world was irrelevant when compared to what was happening in Bayville, New York.


The X-Men, consisting of Charles Xavier (Professor X), Logan (Wolverine), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Hank McCoy (Beast), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Jean Grey (Jean Grey), Kitty Pryde (Shadow Cat), Evan Daniels (Spyke), Anna Marie (Rogue), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Tabitha Smith (Boom Boom), Amara Aquilla (Magma), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Jubilation Lee (Jubilee), Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbayne), Roberto 'Bobby' DaCosta (Sunspot), and Jamie Madrox (Multiple)...were still having trouble processing what they had seen 34 hours ago.

Luckily, the students of the Xavier Institute got a reprieve from their processing, in exchange for action.

It was night time, almost time for lights-out, and the entirety of the mansion's occupancy were seated in the living room, around the television, watching the latest on reports of the teens that had made mincemeat out of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

The boy with the scars and the scythe, the one that had killed She-Hulk, Mockingbird, and Black Panther (Wakanda was not happy about that, and neither was Storm) had been dubbed 'Scythe' by the media. The red-headed girl, the one that had slaughtered over two hundred police, firemen, paramedics, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, had been dubbed 'Red Sword' by the media. The girl that had killed Hawkeye, Spider-Man, and Giant Man, the one with the backpack and the guns, had been dubbed 'Gunslinger' by the media. Finally, the boy that had killed the Hulk, Black Widow, and fucking Captain America, at least, the green one of the triplets, had been dubbed 'Wind Master' by the media. As for the other two boys, the white one was called Zero, as he had been named aloud, and the yellow one, the one with lightning around him, had been dubbed 'Lightning Master.'

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the headless bodies of Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Wasp, and Thor were right next to...were right next to what was left of the Fantastic Four. Based on the cleanness of the cut, and cross-referenced with those of the Red Sword's victims, it was determined that it was indeed the Red Sword that had taken the lives of the aforementioned Avengers (people were freaking out over whether the rest of the Norse deities would come storming down), and that is was Gunslinger that had sniped down War Machine, Vision, and Falcon.

This information only added to the fear and mystery that surrounded the 'Murdering Mutants.'

What else could those children have been but mutants? The powers they all demonstrated were nothing short of mutant-ly, and they certainly weren't normal humans, because there was no normal human on the planet capable of killing any Avenger, let alone Thor, the Hulks, and Captain America. Of course, this hadn't exactly helped the mutant cause, with crimes against 'homosapien superior' increasing by the dozen each day. People were claiming this was Magneto's newest scheme, or that this was a massive mutant conspiracy, or that this was just the beginning of a massive mutant-on-human war, and that the first battle had already been won with the deaths of the Avengers.

The effect of this cause was that Xavier had forbidden any of his students from leaving the grounds without five other students with him or her. Some hated this rule, other didn't care, and a minority enjoyed having company with them whenever they left the mansion.

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