Horror Movie

35 3 18

"Riku," Sora came in after work on a Thursday night to find the apartment warm and lit only by a small red lamp in the front room. He shouldered off his backpack from school, hung his apron in the closet, fingered his hair and crossed over to their bedroom/office. Yes, the two shared a bed, but only to save money. They had slept in the same room since the beginning of their school days, and after a few weeks of awkwardness after they'd moved in, they'd just gotten accustomed to it.

Sometimes it felt nice to roll over and see a familiar face.

Their apartment was quite small - only a Kitchenette, a small sitting area, their bathroom, and bedroom. They crammed a desk in the corner where Riku was working, the bright lamp shining on him with his hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

Sora knew that meant shit was getting real.

"Hey," he said quietly, sitting down on the bed and unbuttoning his Starbucks shirt. "You busy?"

Riku was chewing on a pen cap, scrutinizing the papers. He adjusted his reading glasses. "I'm almost done."

Sora smiled. "I wanna watch a movie tonight. I'll be right back."

He crossed back into their sitting area where they had their couch and TV. He'd grabbed some PJ pants in the bedroom and kicked off his slacks, slipping them on. He couldn't help but wonder what Riku had eaten that day.

Riku came out of the bedroom with a yawn, rubbing his face and propping his glasses on his forehead. "Okay, what's up?"

"Let's watch a movie!" Sora pulled his legs up onto the couch. "Something scary! Tomorrow's just Friday, we can stay up a little late tonight!"

Riku didn't need much convincing - Sora always got his way. He sat down next to his roommate and let out a sigh of relief. He was really overworking himself. The brunette started Netflix and Riku threw his arm over his shoulder. Sora didn't hesitate in cuddling up next to him. He started the first suggested horror film and turned his attention to Riku. Fair hairs were slipping out of his ponytail, and Sora reached back to take the elastic out, letting Riku's shoulder-length hair fall down.

Sinister was the movie they watched, and it was pretty violent for someone as soft as Sora. Riku didn't mind the younger man hiding his face in his side during the gory parts; he was tough and has seen some shit for a young man of twenty, and he knew in his heart he'd accept any excuse to get a little closer to Sora.

In more than this night only, what they were doing was not good for them - by some unspoken agreement, they allowed a certain amount of intimacy with each other, enough to lead the heart in one direction, with no clear boundary where things were not acceptable. Riku knew that if he asked Sora to kiss him, he probably would, but he didn't want to remind himself of that. For some bizarre reason, both of them were convinced the other was straight. It made sense with Sora - he flirted with Kairi, but he flirted with guys too! Everything Riku did seemed inherently gay to everyone around him, but his seriousness made Sora believe that he would never be gay, and even if he was, he wouldn't want a goofball like himself as a lover.

But there was a certain jealousy between them too. They didn't need to say it - neither of them would date anyone else for fear of upsetting the other. They were both too empathetic; something Sora had since he was born and something Riku tried very hard to absorb from his best friend.

Sora was very much regretting his choice of movie by the time he saw children being run over by the lawnmower, but he didn't want to back out. Riku was dozing before midnight - Sora didn't notice and stuck it out. When the credits rolled, Riku gently awakened to a wide-eyed Sora. "I really shouldn't'a watched that."

"Oh, Sora," Riku rolled his eyes and smiled, stretching his sore neck. "You know these things aren't real."

Sora set his jaw. "I have bad dreams though."

Riku sat up a little more and frowned. His tone sharpened: "I thought you said you weren't having as many."

"Well... not many." Sora was looking bashfully down. He explained, "I don't want to worry you."

Riku smiled. "I like worrying about you." He was so scared of hurting the people he loved. "Have some milk and crackers, and come to bed."

Sora wrapped himself in the enormous throw and stood up to go to the kitchen. He looked back at Riku before asking, "will you come with me?"

Riku stayed with him while he ate his arrowroot, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and got into bed.
"Goodnight, Sora," he turned off the lamp and crawled into the other side.

It was quiet for a second until Sora hysterically whispered, "Riku... I'm scared..."

As tired as he was, the blond turned to see Sora near tears. He hated seeing him like this. "Here," he tapped the lamp next to him to turn it on its lowest brightness. "Does that help?"

Sora nodded. "A-a little."

Riku smiled with a sigh and scooted so he could put his upper arm protectively over Sora's body. "No one's gonna hurt you..." Not while I'm around.

Riku was exhausted and fell asleep easily, and Sora was able to distract himself enough to get to sleep. However, throughout the night, he was plagued by shadowy dreams, leaving just on the edge of sleep where he wasn't conscious enough to make a decision to think about something else, but he wasn't getting any rest either. When he woke up, he cuddled hard into Riku's side, trying to shake the thoughts he'd been having.

He tried counting to get himself back to sleep, but that was boring and he would get distracted and trail off from the idea. Instead, he put his whole mind to work by imagining Riku. Sora was determined not to let any other thoughts in - he pictured his best friend, imagined his voice, his eyes.

This allowed Sora to rest, and he felt a little less scared the rest of the night.

For Art (A Kingdom Hearts Modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora