Final Bell

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The final bell rang and I made my way through the crowed halls. Everyone acts like animals around here. Suddenly I was pulled to the side. "Hey Double D" I looked up and saw Marie smiling brightly at me. I couldn't help but smile back. Me and her became close after she became ill and I helped her heal up. I found a side of her I never seen before and I got over her fear of her. She also stopped trying to be my girlfriend and settled with being my best friend. "Salutations Marie" She chuckles as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "So I hear there's a new student coming here tomorrow" She says while walking with me to my locker. "A new student huh" I said stopping at my locker. She smiled and leaned against the lockers next to mine. "You gonna show him around?" I looked over at her as I organized my locker. "Why are you asking" she smirks "because I heard he's cute" she purred. I rolled my eyes and closed my locker. "Oh come on I know you like boys~" she said nudging me. I chuckled and rubbed my arm that she nudged. "Maybe I will.." I said shyly feeling my face heat up a bit. "You're so cute. You're bound to catch his eye" she said giggling. I chuckled "how do you know he even likes guys" I said hoping to stump her. "I don't but you're cuteness can still catch his eye" she replied. I sighed she's always quick witted. As we went into the student parking lot I noticed Eddy and Ed waiting for me by my car. "Oh looks like your friends are waiting for you" Marie said chuckling. I playfully rolled my eyes "yes Marie I can see that" Eddy looked at me as we approached them. "Didn't know you were bringing a friend along" Eddy said looking at Marie. I'm glad he's now accepting about me and Marie being friends. Then again he's also gotten over his fear of the Kanker sisters. A smile appeared on Marie's face "thanks for calling me a friend" she says giggling. He actually smiled at that "You're practically one of us, since you hang out with Double D so much" he says twirling his keys. "So hang out at your place Sockhead?" He said as Ed just ran around the parking lot chasing a butterfly. I chuckled as Marie wrapped her arm around me "come on Edd let's party!" She said playfully. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment "guys I have work to do..." Eddy rolled his eyes "come on Double D don't be such a stick in the mud" "yeah you'll get that done in five minutes knowing you" Marie said messing with my beanie. "Marie please reframe from touching my beanie please" I say grabbing my beanie before it fell off my head. "oh come on Double D its not like I haven't seen that scar before" Marie said pouting. I glared at her and Eddy quickly jumped in. "So 5 pm today?" I looked over at him and sighed. "That's fine" I went into my car after that not wanting to talk anymore. Marie tapped the glass on my car window. "Sorry about the insensitive comment" she said looking sad after I rolled the window down. I nodded "I forgive you" I said before rolling up the window and starting the car. I saw Marie walk away and Eddy get into his car with Ed following him. Then I started to drive home.


As the final bell rang I adjusted my cap and swung my bag over my shoulder. I left the classroom and suddenly felt someone jump on me. "Hello Ginger!" I looked over at Nat who was laughing his head off. Ginger was a nickname he rarely used for me however he knows I don't really appreciate it. "Hello Nat" I said playfully pushing him. "So gonna talk to Double Cutie?" He said winking at me and nudging my side. I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. "I don't think so" Nat shook his head "how do you expect to be with him if you never even speak to him" "I told you I was gonna write a poem" I said rolling my eyes. "Then what Romero? You expect him to magically know its you and appear in front of you saying I love you? I highly doubt that's going to happen. You need to have a better plan than that." Nat said looking at me. He does have a good point though. I need to plan this out better. "I dunno man. I'll just write the poem then do go on from there" I said shrugging. Nat rolled his eyes sighing as Naz runs up to us. "hey guys rumor has it a new student is starting tomorrow" She says with a bright smile. "New student huh? I wonder what made them want to come here" I said crossing my arms. This school isn't the most popular school that has kids flooding in to join. "For the small size probably. Students tend to do better if its a smaller class I hear." Nat says trying to answer my question best he could. "Whatever the reason I hear its supposed to be a cute guy" Naz says giggling. "Cute guy? Like cutest guy in school" Nat asked. I knew why he asked, he wanted to see if this guy would be a possible threat to catching Edd's eye. "Just about. I hear he rivals Kevin in looks" This made me and Nat freeze up. If this guy does rival me that means my chances with Double D are dropped. Then again that's if he even likes guys. "I wouldn't sweat it though Double D isn't the most social type anyways. More than likely he'd just ignore him" Naz chripped trying to make us feel better. "I hope so" I said continuing to walk down the hall. I really do need a plan now. That poem alone isn't going to be enough to catch that dork's eye. Yes a plan is needed. A very good plan...

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