Meet Up

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Driving up to my house I sigh as I get out the car. A meeting at my place. A hang out as they say. I didn't really agree to it and I can't help but feel like I'm just going to end up helping them plan for something. I guess it doesn't matter though some company would be nice. I reach my door and unlock it before going inside. Standing at the door way I look into my clean, quiet, empty house. Yes company would be nice. I close the door and lock it again before going to the living area and placing my bag on the table. I better start on this homework now before they get here. Something tells me I won't be able to work on it while they're here. I take out my binder from the bag and open it pulling out a few worksheets that's been assigned to me as extra credit. Every opportunity must be taken if I want a perfect grade on my report card. Its like Marie said I finished one worksheet in under five minutes. Then again it was very simple. Huh maybe I didn't need to stress about it so much. I could've scheduled that meeting sooner. Oh well what's done is done. Fifteen minutes go by and I'm already halfway through my next homework assignment. It seems like the teacher's have assigned very simple problems and worksheets to do. I guess most of the class hasn't been doing as well as I am or maybe just haven't been trying. I shrug and decide something against my better nature. I decide to stop doing my homework and do something else. Its like a break in a way. I go to the kitchen and get a small snack with a glass of water to drink along with it. I slowly ate and drank as my mind wandered. I thought what happened today at lunch. That strange burning feeling I was getting in my body. The feeing of being watched to the point of feeling like I would explode. Then looking up and seeing Kevin turn around. Was he really staring at me? If he was why was he? Was it him that was making me feel like I was on fire? I looked down at my drink and moved the cup around making the water inside swirl around. The more I thought about it the more questions came up. Not one of those questions had answers to them. I ate the rest of my food and drank the rest of my drink before cleaning up and returning to my homework. My mind was no longer focused on the homework I had but it needs to be done. I worked on it slowly despite it being so simple. Maybe the simple homework was a good thing because I'm having trouble focusing right now. Finally I finished all my homework assignments and put it all away. I didn't know what else to do now. I shrugged before moving my bag to my room and setting it on the desk. I sighed and took off my beanie staring into the mirror. I touched my scar and traced it along my head. No hair grew there anymore and it was white and faded. With something as ugly as this how can someone possibly love me? I looked at my hair after that. It was black and perfectly straight and shiny falling down to my shoulders. The bangs on the right side of my head covered my right eye. I stared into my left eye. The beautiful shade of blue sparkled like sunlight on a lake. I'll admit I am kind of cute but....I rubbed my scar again and shook my head before fixing my hair and putting my beanie back on. People don't know it not even Eddy or Marie but I hate myself. I feel like a total waste of space and worthless. Maybe its because I was constantly bullied growing up and my parents are rarely around. I don't even remember the last time I seen them. I shook my head and felt tears threaten to come out my eyes. I really need some company right now. Then as if on cue I heard a knock on my door. I checked the clock on my desk. It was 4:30 so whoever is knocking on my door is early. I shrugged and went downstairs being careful not to fall and opened my door. "Hey Double D" it was Marie. I smiled "Salutations Marie" I stepped to the side allowing her access to my house. She walked in trying her best not to track dirt inside. I'm glad she respected my house and tried to keep it clean. "So I was thinking and...I think we should throw a party" she says while jumping onto my couch. I froze up when she said that. "Pardon?" I said closing the door and looking at her like she was crazy. "I already spoke to Eddy about it and he agrees so we're going to plan a party" she says holding up her phone smiling. I sigh and rub my head in frustration. It never fails does it? I'm always last to know what our plan will be then forced to go along with it. "This will be good for you Edd after all you need more social interaction" Marie only uses my name when she's being serious about something. She must be concerned for me how sweet. "No what I need to more time to study" she rolled her eyes at that "You have perfect grades already but look at you Edd you don't live. You stay cooped up in a book all day as your life passes you by. You focus to much on one thing and when someone tells you something you say the same things over and over again. Its like being friends with a zombie or a robot" she says giving me the most stern and concerned look. I sighed and looked down. I guess she's right I really don't do much besides study maybe one night of being wild won't hurt me. "But I'm not good in social matters" She smiled "that's why you have us" there was another knock on my door and I looked back at it. I already knew who it was too. I went and opened the door and was greeted by a smiling face. "Hey Sockhead" Eddy said before walking in. I nodded and closed the door behind him. "Ready to plan this party?" He asked while looking back at me. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said in an irritated voice. I'm not ready but I have no choice. Its time to plan a party.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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