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Okay, I have decided to start using prompts! Before I show you them, you have to know a few things!

1) These prompts are for the title and theme of the story (meaning I can probably only do each one once)

2) When requesting, you choose which prompt, not the storyline.

Wrong-"I'd like (prompt) and make the story (blahblahblah)"

Correct-"I'd like it if you used (prompt), it sounds (cool, nice, etc.)

1. Forget my own
2. He heard she doesnt care
3. Stranger for two
4. Lose my time
5. Music of style
6. Lose my memory
7. Whatever fireworks
8. Sweet tomorrow
9. Lose your way
10. Warmth of my power
11. Easy life
12. Having my troubles
13. Darling, I'll never let you go
14. Let's party
15. I like you
16. Female power
17. She said "He's on my mind"
18. Broken fever
19. Honey, oh baby
20. She said I'm bad
21. Kiss her shadow
22. Last smile
23. Power for money
24. Dance romance
25. Moment of a chance
26. Baby, take a chance with me
27. Hold me
28. Baby, I need your love
29. Think of a stranger
30. Magic crazy
31. Hour of the city
32. Pictures of fame
33. Thigs of mine
34. Reach for my sugar
35. Baby, you and I forever
36. Stairway for a girl like you
37. Time promises
38. We're in love
39. First fireworks
40. Matter of forever
41. Enjoy my place
42. Magic machine
43. Babe, until I met you
44. Soul of stars
45. Reach for her kiss
46. Life of days
47. No money
48. Joy of her troubles
49. Baby, wait and see
50. Golden dreams
51. Season of dance
52. Sweetie, smile with me
53. Fantasy of hearts
54. Apology of joy
55. Dear idiot, I waited for you
56. Baby, you're my one and only
57. He wants you
58. Dear idiot, you're amazing
59. Out of my tomorrow
60. Goodbye rhythm
61. Fantastic kisses
62. Dream of her best friend
63. More promises
64. We're crazy
65. Male fever
66. Darling, let's start this party
67. Getting her touch
68. Heart of a bad romance
69. Think about your dance
70. Out of my door
71. Forgot my mind
72. Tired of the morning
73. I love that she's bad
74. Best money
75. Sound of my dreams
76. Darling, I want you
77. Minute of my obsession
78. Rock his love
79. I'll love you forever
80. Pretty forever
81. Male show
82. Reject his dreams
83. Choice of what?
84. Joy of her shadow
85. Darling, love me
86. Out of her hometown
87. Darling, wouldn't it be nice?
88. Without your sunshine
89. Walk with his soul


Requests will be taken in a specific order: the order in which they are commented. E.G.

"I want prompt 5! 5:38 pm Tuesday"
"I would like prompt 28! 2:29 pm Tuesday"

Prompt 28 would take priority over 5.

Whenever you find one you like, start requesting!!!

Sehun One Shots (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now