City lights

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"mom......what's that in the garbage.?"

"If I knew you were a ghoul I never would have even bothered laying my eyes on you in that cheap orphanage!"

"What are you doing out here at this time of night? Why don't you come with us~ we'll make sure you have lot's of fun~"


You jolted awake and threw off the light yet heavy comforter. A cold sweat dripped down your face as you sharply inhaled the fresh air of your apartment. The alarm clock was still going so you gently pressed the button. you exhaled as relief took over your being. You were home, you were safe, but most importantly. The dream was over.

Finally deciding to get out of bed you slipped on your house shoes as the untied string of your pajama shorts lightly swung as you walked. The TV you forgot to turn off the night prior echoed through the lonely Halls of the apartment. Making it to the kitchen you put on a pot a coffee, the only thing you could drink besides water. Internally cringing, you thought back to the days when you drank soda once daily so your ex-friends wouldn't get suspicious.

The friends you cut out of your life in fear your instincts would turn on them. To explain shortly, you are rumored 'the widow'. The spider that apparently seduces men and women into her home and eats them alive. But magically no one knows who the widow really is, a blessing in disguise. Regardless, their accusations were false. As a matter of fact the only true thing about the title were the six spider like appendages that came out of your back when you go full goul. Your kagune. Instead of killing Innocents you made your own 'coffee drops' out of the remains that ghouls leave behind. And occasionally eat a human so you don't starve. Mostly the scums who hang out in the alley way near your complex. Which was good since you wouldn't encounter a ghoul.

Why can't you encounter them? lose control, everything you try to conceal just crumbles. The savory taste of other ghouls, the pleasure and power that comes from committing the sinful act of eating them. Your mouth watered just thinking about it. There was only ONE person who knew about your disgraceful side and you true identify. Rize kamishiro, that's right, the binge eater.

A ting sounded in the kitchen as you poured your glass and dropped a few 'drops' into your coffee. You stirred it with a spoon before sinking into your couch. Rize Kamishiro...the only ghoul who you didn't have a urge to eat, you felt a vibe from her a vibe that corrupted yours senses and told you she was sour and vile, not the savory taste you lusted after. She was the only ghoul, the only living thing you could truly be you around. You sighed as you sat on the couch in your living room.

But tonight was the night...the last night that you would go through with your usual escapades. You didn't want to kill her you really didn't. But she was changing you, she religiously encouraged your habit to eat your own.

'It's in your blood y/n this is you.'

'Don't fight your instincts y/n let it consume you. '

Her voice would draw on and on. To the point where you almost considered it. But you are not a monster. You wouldn't relive that moment you went insane. The moment you bit into your first ghoulish victim and grew two more appendages, like a true spider. Your kagune gained armor and your strength became uncontrollable. Plenty died that day. All because you gave into your cravings.

A knock rang from your front door, the consistent noise begging you to open it. Sighing you got up from your position on the couch and answered it. Taking another sip of your coffee you opened the door.

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