Choosing Sherlock.

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Exactly. What would that do to Sherlock? Even though choosing Moriarty seemed more exciting, you couldn’t just leave Sherlock and John. That’s betraying them, and you don’t want that to happen.

You took a step towards Sherlock, and his face lit up. You started walking and stood next to him, looking over at Moriarty. He still had his smile plastered on his face, but his eyes burned in fury. He looked at you like you had betrayed him, which you had, and he didn’t seem pleased.

“If that’s what you want my dear.” He said and then he turned on his heel and walked out of the pool.

“Thank god!” John exclaimed when the door closed and the he hugged you tightly. “It would’ve been bad if you had chosen that psycho.” You chuckled and turned towards Sherlock. “Thank you, y/n.” He said and leaned forward and placed a warm kiss on your cheek. You face flushed into a deep crimson color and John whistled, which seemed to confuse Sherlock slightly.

You all drove back home, and you thought about what would happen now.

You had pissed off Jim Moriarty, and that’s not very good, now is it?

“Sherlock?” You said and looked at the detective. “Yes?” he said without looking at you. “Would it really be boring without me, or was that just something you said?” Sherlock frowned and looked at you, “Of course that was true. It would be boring not to have anyone to wake up in the middle of the night to yell at me. Mrs. Hudson does that already, but she always says the same things. You’re a tad bit more creative.” You laughed quietly and looked into Sherlock’s clear blue-green eyes. They’re like the depths of an unexplored ocean, just begging to be explored.

“What?” Sherlock said and frowned at you. You had been staring. You blushed but didn’t turn away. “It’s just… You have really beautiful eyes.”

Sherlock’s face flushed into a bright pink color, which was extremely adorable. “I have?”

You chuckled, “Yes, right John?” you said and got John’s attention. “What?” He said and looked at both of you. “Sherlock has pretty eyes, right?” you repeated and smiled warmly to the two men, and John nodded. “Yeah, of course he has.” You and John shared a small laugh before Sherlock chuckled under his breath and brought his gaze to the window, clearly embarrassed, and he smiled weakly to himself the whole way home.

That made you overly happy; Sherlock smiling because someone said something nice to him.

When you were home you didn’t even bother to go down to your own apartment, you just went up to 221B with Sherlock and John and ordered a pizza, so you could have something to eat.


“Sherlock, did you just eat the last piece?” You exclaimed and glared at Sherlock, who smiled. “Yes.”

“But I wanted more pizza, you dickhead!”

“Too bad, y/n.”

“Shut up you two!” John suddenly interrupted, and you grinned to Sherlock, who looked at you with a half-smile playing around his lips.

“Can’t you two just kiss already?” The sandy-haired man said, sighing, and then pushed you closer towards Sherlock on the couch. You blushed and shrieked, trying to hold back, but somehow John managed to push you all the way over to Sherlock. “Jo-John!” You exclaimed and the red color in your face deepened. Sherlock, who was extremely confused by this just looked at you as you were practically sitting on his lap, John holding you there.

“Now kiss.”

“No!” You said and glared to John.

“Sherlock kiss her.” John then said, and Sherlock blinked.

“John, you know I have never kissed anyone before-“ But he got cut off by John’s finger to his mouth. “Just kiss.”

Neither you or Sherlock resisted, and you looked at him, blinking and he just shrugged.

He slowly leaned closer in towards you, and you did the same towards him, until your lips met. It was a soft and nice kiss, not like Moriarty’s rough and needing ones. No, don’t mix Moriarty in with this.

Suddenly you heard a sound, and you pulled away from Sherlock and saw that John had taken a picture.

“John!” You growled, but then you started to giggle. Sherlock looked at you in a way you had never seen him look t anyone before, and it made you all warm and fuzzy inside.


The next morning you climbed out of Sherlock’s bed, using one of his shirts and sweatpants.

There wasn’t any sex, and you don’t think there will ever be any sexual interaction between you and him.

He has absolutely no interest for it, and that’s ok.

You flipped the kettle on and made tea for yourself, Sherlock and John.

The days went on like normal, until the day Moriarty stole the crown jewels.

That was a day you will never forget;

Sherlock was standing on the rooftop, you and John looking up at him.

John had put his phone on speaker, and you and John had tried everything you could to stop him.

You knew Moriarty was real.

He wasn’t some guy called Richard Brook.

He was Jim Moriarty.

Then he had jumped, both you and John standing there in awe, before you had ran towards him.

The pool of blood around his head was something you could never forget.

Neither the gunshot.

But that didn’t bother you so much.

Moriarty was you ex-lover, a fucking psychopath. He deserved it.


The two years without Sherlock was tragic and boring. You still lived in 221B, but John had found himself a girlfriend, and you were kind of the fifth wheel.

Mary Morstan is a nice woman though, John knows who to choose.

And then he came back.

Sherlock just came back from being dead for two fucking years, and on the night John was supposed to propose to Mary.

You were so mad when you see him walk through the door of 221B, and you ended up breaking the window in a temper.

Then you hugged him for a very very very long time.


The wedding was exciting. It’s always fun to be a bridesmaid. You and Sherlock’s relationship was a secret, and you were originally going to announce it on the wedding, but Sherlock had to try to get close to Janine because of Magnussen. You totally understood, and helped him through it.

Janine’s a nice lady, but her dark hair and Irish accent remind you so much of Moriarty, and it’s kind of hard to be around her.

Since Janine was sleeping in Sherlock’s bed, you had taken John’s old room.

Then Sherlock shot Magnussen.

It was a shock, but Magnussen totally deserved it.

And then it happened.

Moriarty came back, but you didn’t worry.

You had Sherlock, and Sherlock had you, plus John was married to an earlier assassin.

It’ll be okay.

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