Tears~ Nezumi x uke! Male reader

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// okay okay. This oneshot is super old. Like when i wrote on quotev. Which was like five months ago. So it will have eh, writing. My oc is in here his name is Henjin. He is one of my precious and in the general oc book of mine he is actually Rakki's lover. Cough. Rakki has a twin also. COUGH. HENJIN IS PRECIOUS. >~> yeah anyways.

Nezumi is from No.6

(Y/N) had been living in the west district since he was 12, he ended up her with his friend, Henjin. They ended up here because they actually were smart enough to realize that the place was fake and it wasn't paradise. They were being taken to the correctional facility, but managed to escape. They ended up in the west district and learned how to survive there on a daily basis. The first time (Y/N) met Nezumi was when (Y/N) was about 15. (Y/N) and Henjin were out trying to find a new job due to them being fired from their old job, because they stole food from the booth they had worked for. They paced the streets, still seeming like newbs to this place, but really they were used to this and had gotten secrets on how to do things around this horrible community they lived in. Being the klutz he is, Henjin bumped into someone and blamed the person that he bumped into. "OI! Watch where youre going you idiot!" He yelled to the person. Finally (Y/N) turned around. "Jin what did i say about yelling at strangers, youre the real idiot." (Y/N) said as he finally caught a look at the person that Hejin had bumped into. He had long sleek black hair that was in a small ponytail, it wasn't too much hair however, a black scarf like cloth wrapped around his neck and shoulders loosely, wore what looked like a casual pale purple top, and some worn out jeans that were beginning to look small. Then (Y/N) noticed that Henjins head was, once again, in flames. "You and your special gift." (Y/N) sighed as he patted the flames with his hand and winced at the pain. His hand has been burnt from the boys flaming head many times. But the previous burn was still new, so it stung. Henjin always had a special gift, when he was embarrassed, flustered, or mad his hair would burst into flames, except his hair was never affected. It still shines its magnificent red. (Y/N) finally pulled away his hand. "There we go." He smiled. Then turned to the mysterious stranger who looked quite surprised at what had just happened. "Your hand is bleeding." The strange who seemed like a teen male said and pointed to (Y/N)'s hand. "Oh-" (Y/N) said and looked at his hand. "I didn't notice... sorry-" he said and wiped his hand and Henjins sweater sleeve. "Oi-" Henjin said in response. (Y/N) snickered. "You need to get that properly treated." The strange teen male said and sighed before he motioned the two other males to follow him. The two males looked at each other and shrugged before following this stranger. The strange teen male took the two males to his underground house, where he disinfected (Y/N)'s burn and bandaged it.

After that they became acquaintances. (Y/N) somehow grew closer to him over awhile. Then became his friend, which soon turned into best friend. They hung out for about a year, but after awhile Nezumi got busy and (Y/N) and him grew apart a bit, but their bond never faded. Its been a whole year since they have actually sat down and talked. They were both 17 now. (Y/N) got a really nice paying job over the year they grew apart, he was hired as an assassin, he sometimes got to leave the district, if he was with a team. Just recently he had become a leader of a small team and was quite proud, now he walked around like he owned the district, just like everyone else in the assassination business. Henjin was a member of his team and liked his position so he stayed there, always by (Y/N)'s side. Now, their boss, was actually the nicest gal you could've ever meet, yes it was a girl, she was pretty too, (Y/N) had to admit it. But he wasn't attracted to her like all the men and some of the ladies were to her, neither was Henjin. Well it could be the fact that (Y/N) like guys more than girls. ((Sadly im nowhere near the main plot. T^T)) Actually so did Henjin, (Y/N) was not going to deny it but they both had a small fling, although both of them came to an agreement that they were better of as just best friends, but they really consider each other as siblings now. But finally (Y/N) got a few days off and decided to visit his friend, Nezumi, who he hasn't seen in about a year. (Y/N) finally came up to the door where Nezumi had lived he grinned and whipped it open and said. "Im Home! Did ya miss me!" He snickered a bit. Then he heard a sigh. "How did you know i was gonna be home?" Nezumi asked. "Just a hunch." (Y/N) shrugged. Nezumi smiled a bit. "Hunches aren't always right, you cant trust them, like you cant trust people." Nezumi said bluntly. "Ooohh dark and scary Nezu. However that sounded adorable to me." (Y/N) smiled and booped Nezumi's nose. "I heard about your dirty work." Nezumi said then added. "Dont call me 'Nezu'." (Y/N) grinned. "Oh, my amazing and super fun dirty work, or my dirty, dirty work." (Y/N) said and winked then laughed. Nezumi shook his head. "Youre so weird and actually pretty stupid." Nezumi said. "So mean. But you know you love it." (Y/N) said and smiled. Nezumi nodded. "Yeah." Then he went wide eyed. "Haha~ i got a confession out of you~" (Y/N) smiled. ((Just so you know, (Y/N) actually doesn't do dirty dirty work, because they are underage.)) "Love you too Nezu." (Y/N) said and then kissed Nezumi's cheek. Nezumi snickered and grabbed (Y/N)'s chin and pulled him into a full kiss.

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