chapter 12

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Author note:
Hi everyone!
Sorry for not updating had some busy weeks at home
Have a great weekend I will try to update soon! Please review,love,follow <3

Isa was still laying on the couch, her eyes still closed. The last two hours I sat next to her hoping she would show me those chocolate brown eyes of hers. I was getting restless and nervous. Why was it taking her so long to wake up? And why am I fucking caring so much… For a second I glared at Isabelle. What was she doing to me.
I got up from my seat and went to the basement to get a blood bag. I opened the small fridge, grabbed a bag, sucked it dry and walked back up I stopped half way up the stairs. I could hear Elena and Caroline talking in hushed voices in the kitchen.
“who knew he could care for someone that isn’t him.” Caroline said. I didn’t want to hear more and walked into the living room again. I just glared at them. I remembered I wanted to talk to Elena but Isa decided for me not to do it as this moment. She began to stir on the couch and her eyes began to flutter open. A small moan came from her lips. Which sounded fucking sexy. I rushed over to her.
“How are you feeling Isa?” i said while helping her to sit. She stayed quiete for a couple minutes. Her mouth opening and closing a couple times.
“Want to hear the good news or the bad?” she said. Her voice sounded raspy. Without saying anything I got a glass of water for her in a matter of seconds. I am glad she found something useful in her trance state. She took the glass and drank it all in one go.
“What ever you like to tell first mi cara.” I smiled at her. God I am fucking glad she woke up. She really started to worry me.
“Well Emily told me the spell she put on me the spell she put on me Is gone. The moment Pearl died actually.” She smiled. She also looked relieved. “The bad news is that i need to find the person who hid my memories. He or she can give them back. I probably will remember everything eventually I guess since I am getting flashbacks, but this would be easier. There is a witch family who looked after me and dad. They replaced our memory because of the difference between this time and 1800's.”
“So we need to find the witch. Did she tell you who it is?”
“I don’t know. The only thing I know is that it should be someone close to me.” She said. I could see she was thinking hard about who it could be.
“We will find out mi cara!” I picked her up in my arms. She let out a squeel and a small laugh. She looked pail and tired. “Let’s get you in bed you look dead on your feet.”
I ran upstairs with her and laid her down on my bed and kissed her forehead. Something I used to do.
“Go get some sleep. When you wake up I will make sure you will have some lunch.” She yawned and then smiled at me. Her eyes already fluttering close.
I made my way down stairs again, not in the mood to talk to vamp Barbie or Elena. I walked straight out of the house. I needed to clear my head, get a snack and some lunch for Isa. I run towards the falls. When they called me yesterday that she dissapeared from the party i got  almost a heart attack. Especially when she was walking straight to the bitch from hell. I wasn’t the same guy from the 1800's, but when I was with Isa I wanted to be that guy again. Around that time I was care free, no doubleganger and human. I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my mind. I liked being a vampire for the most part. I still hate Stefan for forcing me to turn. Fucking Isabella…. She makes me doubt and I hate it. I grabbed a rock and threw it against a tree.

I woke up by the smell of food. My stomach rumbled, wanting the food badly. I stretched and threw the blanket of off me. I made my way out of the nice comfy bed and walked down stairs. My body ached and I felt mentally tired. I was happy that Emily’s spell was lifted. Now I only needed to find the witch. I have no idea whom it could be. I wanted to remember my life… the world may not be the same as it used to be and probably most people are dead that I knew but that didn’t matter. I feel like I am living a lie. If the witch hadn’t done it I would have freaked out probably, but I don’t care this feels worse.
I walked towards the kitchen following the smell of bacon. To my surprise Stefan was cooking it. He turned around and smiled.
“How are you feeling Isa?”
“like i ran a marathon, but i am fine. Where is Damon?” 8
“uhm… I think he needed to ran some errands.” For some reason I felt like there was something more to it. I raised an eyebrow. Stefan rolled his eyes. “Nothing for you to worry about. He can take care of himself.”
I nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. After 5 minutes Stefan sat two plates on the table, one infront of me and one for himself. I still find it weird that this kind vampires could eat. I thanked him and devoured my food. It was really good and satisfied my stomach.
“So what did I miss over the last centuries?” I asked him.
“A lot to be honest I don’t know if i can tell you everything...”  He told me stories about Zach Salvatore and how Damon really tried to make his life a living hell. How he met Elena. Talked about Kathrine. I hate her. I am not a hateful person, but she is on my shit list. I also told him about my life in Forks and Phoenix. Stefan also told me when Pearl died. A bit longer then a year ago she died, which means Phoenix is a memory which were fake.
“I know it is all confusing but we will find a way to bring your memories back.” He stood up and ruffled my hair.
“Hey!” I laughed. We joked around and it felt so normal. It felt right. Unlike my time in Forks.
My phone rang. The screen showed that Jake was calling. Just as I picked up Damon came through the front door and made his way to his liqour cabinet and pored a glass full of bourbon. Which didn’t surprise me since it is his favourite drink.
“Hi Jacob.” I said when I picked up.
“Bells, how are you loca.” He asked. His voice sounded strained and nervous.
“I am fine and you? Is there something wrong? You sound nervous.”
“I am just worried about you! There is a red head leech running around in the forest. She went to your old house.” I felt my heart quicken and sucked in a breath. Since when did he know that vampires were real? Victoria is looking for me and She finally wants her revenge. I was still with my face towards Damon. He saw the panic in my eyes and probably hears my heart racing uncontrollably. He was at my side within a second. “You know who it is Bells?!”
“It’s Victoria Jake. Please stay away from her she could hurt you.” I stammered.
“I am not scared of her. Bells me and the pack can handle her just stay away from Forks!” he was quiete for a moment and realized he made a mistake. “Shit… I wasn’t suppose to tell you about the pack.”
“Wait the stories about the tribe are true?” she remembers him telling a story about the cold ones and the wolves. That is how she figured out what Edward and his family was. “Still Jake don’t go after Her! It is to dangerous. I don’t want to lose you. You finally started talking to me again!”
“Bella it’s our duty to protect the reservation and Forks. We can’t have a Cold one running around. It’s dangerous. You don’t have to worry about me Loca. So she is looking for you! Why?”
“It’s because the Cullens killed her mate to safe me. Do you remember I fell down the stairs and through a window in Phoenix?”
“I remember. Fucking sparkly ass leeches…”  he growled through the phone.
“When the Cullens went to play baseball in a clearing  nomads found us. One of them wanted to have me and he started to hunt me. I went to Phoenix with Jasper and Alice to hide. I sneaked out of the hotel alone because James made me believe he took my mother. Which was a trick to get me alone. I went to my former ballet studio and he bit me. Edward sucked the venom out and the rest took care of James. Now Victoria wants a mate for a mate. She probably didn’t get the memo that he broke up with me and doesn’t love me.”
“You should have told me Bells!”
“I couldn’t and I didn’t want you to be in danger by knowing! And what should I have said? The story is real a vampire hunted me and tortured me!!! Jesus Jake you would have said I was crazy. You didn’t believe the legend of the tribe.”
“I guess I would have but I do believe you now. You need to be careful Bells please don’t do anything stupid. I mean it Bella! Don’t do anything like you did in Phoenix.”
“Jake, I can’t prom…..” Jake interrupted me before I could finish.
“Yes you can! You are human Bells she could kill you in a second! I know you… you will do stupid things because you want to safe someone else! Screw them and think about yourself.”
“I am not promising anything to you!” I looked at Damon again who looked like he wanted to kill someone. “I will do what I have to do!”
“I swear Bella I will be on the next flight if you keep thinking like that!”
“No you won’t! Stay I don’t need you to babysit me!” I hated to be babysat by anyone I am not 4… I also was scared what Jake would do when he found out I was hanging around vampires again. He would be mad as hell I am sure about it. “Jake I have enough to worry about as it is. I can handle Victoria coming after me really. I am safe here.”
“Bells!” he said in a warning tone. I could hear he was getting angry. He was quiete for a moment. I heard several howls in the background. “I need to go Bella. Please stay safe and don’t do anything stupid. This conversation isn’t over!”
Before she could reply he disconnected the call. I looked at the screen stunned that he hang up like that.
“God dammit Isa!” Damon exclaimed. He still looked angry. “why didn’t you tell us about the crazy cold one and a pack of wolves!”
“I.. I didn’t know! I thought the pack was a myth and I hoped Victoria wouldn’t come after me! As you know a lot has been on my mind. I don’t want this to happen. Now Jake and everyone I know are in danger! I should go back!”
“NO! You are not going anywhere! I won’t allow you to go after a psycho cold one and a pack of fucking wolves! They will kill you!”
“Isa, he is right it’s too dangerous!” Stefan said.
“I don’t care!” i yelled. Damon grabbed my chin and made me look at him. Anger still disable in his eyes, but it changed to worry and something else. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.
“Isa, please for us. We can’t lose you again. We just got you back.” I got where he came from but i could let anyone get hurt. I guess he saw it in my eyes, I could see it in his face. “I swear Isa if you do something stupid I will drag you back and lock you up in the basement!”
“No you won’t! It is my life.”
“You are still fucking stubborn. Don’t underestimate me Swan! I will give you my word I will fucking do it. I don’t care what you think!” I knew that he would do it. On one side I want him to do it and on the other side I don’t. I don’t want people to die.
“I know you guys care and I am really grateful but like I said it is my life. I know you guys can keep me safe, but is not your problem. It’s mine. I don’t want to lose you guys too.” I looked down.
“Then let us help. Don’t make any rushed decisions.” Stefan said. I nodded I was done with this and everyone pretending I am a porcelain doll. First the Cullens and Jake and now them…. I wanted to go home and think.
“Could one of you take me home?” I asked. Stefan nodded told Damon to get my shoes and jacket. Damon didn’t say anything. He looked pissed and I knew I was the blame. He gave me my stuff and without saying anything disappeared up stairs. When i put my shoes and Jacket on Stefan led me out of the house into his car. Before we drove off I heard a loud crash coming from the house.
“He is mad at me isn’t he?” I didn’t like it.
“He wil get over it” Stefan smiled at me and started the car and drove of the Salvatore property. “he is probably angry about the situation and I guess your stubbornness doesn’t help either.”
“He always cared a lot about you and we really don’t want to lose you.” He thought for a second. He wanted to say something but he didn’t.
“I still think it is my decision if i want to go to Forks.”
“I get that but like your wolf friend said you are human. You won’t be a match for her. You will be dead and there is nothing we could do. Give it some time and think about this. Damon isn’t joking about locking you up in our basement and I am not sure if i would stop him.”
“I know he isn’t joking. I can remember that when he gives his word he will do it. I am not asking you to stop him. He will be to determent. But I want to ask you to respect my decision if i make it.”
“Isa I am not sure if i can if it means you will die.” He sighed. “Damon will probably stake me or brake my neck.”
“your his brother he won’t do that”
“He changed Isa. He has been through a lot the last centuries. If it would mean that he could keep you safe and I would go against it he will do it. If he snappes my neck I won’t die don’t worry. I think he won’t stake me. He promised me an eternalty of hell. It would be to easy.”
We arrived at my house. Charlie’s car was on the driveway. I wonder if he remembers. I guess not otherwise he wouldn’t have invited Damon.
“Thanks for the ride Stefan.” I said when I got out of the car.
“Your welcome Isa! Please do not make rushed decisions. Everything will be fine. I will see you tomorrow in school.” He waved at me and drove off.
I said hello to Charlie and walked up stairs to my room. I let myself fall on my bed with a sigh. What a mess my life was at the moment.

Author note:
Hope you liked this chapter! Who do you think the witch is?
Till next time!

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