My Smol Info Page

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So, I guess before I talk about my life, I guess I should tell you a bit about myself. Not much personal information, just stuff you should know.

- I'm 14 and a freshman in high school.
- I live in a small town in the country (tho most small towns are in the country so.. XD)
- I have a younger sister who is on Wattpad also (That's Sylve238)
- My four favorite favorite things are Pokémon, Hamilton, Pusheen Cat, and, of course, Wattpad 😊
- I may seem kind of hyperactive and socialable here on Wattpad, but I'm actually very socially awkward, and have a hard time talking to ppl in the real world.
-Also Roleplaying is fun :3

Aaaand that's about it. You'll learn more about me when I constantly post on here XD

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