My Sister's Girlfriend

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My Sister's Girlfriend.

It's the first thought I have when I wake up in the morning.

Sweat soaked skin.
Sweet smile.

I just had sex with my sister's girlfriend.

My sister's sexy - I could step on you - scarlet haired girlfriend.

What the hell did I just do?

And why do I want to do it again?

Okay, okay. Stop.

Don't panic Mirajane.

It just felt really good. That's why you aren't regretting it as much as you should - still.

Lisanna's - your sister's - girlfriend.

Surely I can't take all the blame for this, right?

I mean, we both consented.

To something so horribly wrong!

Oh but it felt so goood - shut up!

She's still here.


"Morning to you too."


Okay, let's rewind. A lot of you are probably wondering what the hell is going on here. So I'll explain.

My name is Mirajane Strauss and for a long while, I've been in love with my best friend - Erza Scarlet. Erza, unfortunately, is actually dating my younger sister - Lisanna.
The two seem like the perfect couple but behind the scenes they are always arguing. You know what? Spoiler. Forget what I said.
I need to start from the beginning. Not the very beginning like "when I met the red headed beauty that stole my heart beginning" beginning but like, when they started dating beginning...

They got together in front of the whole student body. It was after Erza performed one of her dances with her group - Silent Swords (they were amazing btw) - and Lisanna asked her out.
She got on stage, picked up the mic, backed Erza into a corner, and pressured her into saying yes in front of everyone. I mean, Erza couldn't just reject Lis in front of the whole school after all.

But here's where it gets weird. Erza said - and I quote, "she's my little sister, I'll always protect her," when I asked her afterwards why she said yes.

Yeah, so. To me she said "We're so much more than just best friends or sisters, Mira. I will always put you first." (She did this whilst we were sitting on my roof, cuddling and stargazing. I mean - love confession moment which I totally missed/ignored.) So when Lisanna pretty much bullied her into saying yes, the whole school cheered and they became the number one couple at the Academy of Arts.

And I've forgotten to talk about school. Academy of Arts (we go there - obvi) is an elite University where only those who show the most potential or natural born talent are allowed in. Doesn't matter how rich you are - can't buy your way in.
It has every facility imaginable including a wide range of restaurants, parks, cinemas and multiple swimming pools.
You also get allowances and the harder you work, the more you get.

Oh, and there's a standard you have to keep. You fall below - you don't shine bright enough - that's it. Expelled. No excuses. No second chances. It's over. Your dream is kaput.

I have a feeling Lisanna is using Erza as a publicity stunt. A few months before they got together, Lisanna, who is an amateur actress, was in the red zone. Since Erza is not only the number one dancer in the school, but also student council president and a biological heir to the Belserions (world's largest air service. Planes, choppers, jets, the like) just knowing her makes you famous, so imagine dating her.

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