Horror Movie After Jitters part 1

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Mira's POV

"You fuckers ready?" Jellal asked as we all stood outside the town centre.

"What did you just call me?" Minerva glared at Jellal.

He laughed, raising his hands in surrender (was it just me or was he doing that a lot these days?) and taking a step away from her.

"Would you all chill?" Erza said, texting someone on her phone. "We need to buy snacks still."

"Maybe if you weren't on your phone we'd let you have an opinion." Minerva continued, now thoroughly pissed that she was ignoring us - me.

Erza sighed, turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket. "Sorry, Lis just wants my opinion on the dresses she chooses."

That caught my attention. "Why didn't you just shop with her then?" I asked, puzzled at Lisanna's logic.

"Don't know. She's the one who didn't want me there." Erza shook her head. "Anyway, let's go buy food. I need sugar."

"You and your sweet tooth." Kagura laughed, walking ahead.

"I can't help it, sugar just tastes, so, gooood."Erza moaned, catching up to Kagura to walk by her side.

"You. Are. Hopeless." Kagura laughed harder.

"What are you buying?" I asked Laxus, tuning out from Kagura and Erza's conversation and following after them.

"My sanity." He deadpanned, glaring at Erza and Kagura's backs.

Jellal, Minerva and I all laughed as Laxus simply continued to glare.

"You know what Erza's like." Ultear joined in with a smirk, "and Kagura follows her around like a lost little puppy."

Kagura turned to look at the rest of us, directing her attention to Ultear. "Ultear?" She said, catching Ultear's eye in which she hummed in response for her to continue. "Where's Meredy?"

I covered my mouth quickly, holding back the unladylike snort that tried to escape because if that wasn't a jab, I didn't know what was. Meredy was Ultear's "daughter" in a sense. Meredy had lost both of her parents in childhood (her mother at birth and father in a car crash when she was 12 - Meredy was in the car and survived with a broken leg and a concussion) and had felt lost for a short time after that. She had joined up with a gang that terrorised the neighbouring schools. Ultear, who, at the time was in the same gang, pulled Meredy out along with herself and moved with their family away from the area. Ultear's mother - Ur - and step-father - Silver - helped look after Meredy but they never adopted her as Meredy felt as though she would just be replacing her family. Either way, she found this habit of following Ultear around everywhere she goes (to a reasonable degree) and has been doing it since.

The others laughed also as Ultear gave Kagura a very unamused look.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Kagura said, not in the least bit apologetic, "Did I offend you and your little lost puppy?"

Ultear ignored the laughs of everyone else, instead, choosing to actually reply. "If you must know, Meredy is actually on a date with Lyon right now."

I paused, turning to Ultear with stars in my eyes. "OMG really?" I exclaimed in happiness for them.

"Well done, you've brought forth the matchmaker." I think I heard Laxus sigh, maybe...possibly.

"Yeah, she asked him out and everything." (Ultear looked almost proud) "You should've seen the look on his face. He was so shocked and then he was going red like, like Erza's hair."

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