Densi 9x07 Post-Ep

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A/N: I meant to have this up before 9x08 "This Is What We Do", but that didn't happen. So I tried posting it a few times now, but WattPad was acting up, so here we go. This Post-Ep (and authors note) was also not going to be this long originally
Also: italics + underline = show dialogue; bold and/or italics = silent conversation
And any other words with bold, italic and/or underline is just for emphasis. NCIS: LA nor it's characters belong to me.

"Kens, Kens," Deeks said into the phone.

"Hi, baby," Kensi replied.

"You need to get out of there, alright? If-if-if-if the launch doors open--" Deeks was cut off.

"Hey Deeks can you just listen to me for a second?--" Kensi tried to get Deeks to listen but she, too, was interrupted.

"...Get in a car and I need you to drive away as fast as you possibly can because baby..--" Still Deeks tried to get Kensi to come home, but again, he was cut off.

"Y-ye, Deeks, stop, stop, babe, stop, for one second in your life stop talking," Kensi finally got Deeks to stop talking and listen to her.

"..." Deeks stayed silent so that Kensi could talk.

"I know what's going on," Kensi told him.

"Okay, so then-then-then just leave," Deeks, again, tried to get Kensi to leave.

"I can't," Kensi replied, her voice filling with regret and sadness.

"What do you mean you can't??" Deeks asked, his voice cracking with emotion.

"I can stop this from happening, I can stop people from getting hurt. I've gotta do it, okay?" Kensi said, hoping to make him see why she had to do it.

"Okay, yeah, you can stop this from happening, but so can other people, alright, so just let someone--" Deeks was still trying to get Kensi to come home, to no avail, though, because he was interrupted yet again.

"I love you so much," Kensi said.

"Hold on. I love you too. But that's not the point. Stop for a second. You don't have to do this. --" Deeks replied; he was still hell-bent on getting her home.

"And I love you to the end of time and back," Kensi interrupted Deeks, making sure he knew just how much she loved him, because she may not get to see him again.

Kensi hung up the phone.

"Kensi? Kensi. Kensi!" Deeks yelled.

When he couldn't get her to respond, he knew she had hung up. He threw a chair against the wall, and ultimately, it broke. So, after the chair broke, he went back to wear he was sitting and tried to call Kensi back.

No answer. Nothing. Nada. That could've been the last time he spoke to her...

He needed to clear his head, blow off some steam, something. So, since it probably wasn't a good idea to go surfing, or to the beach, Deeks went to the gym.

At first, he decided to shoot some hoops. But then when that wasn't enough, he decided to beat the shit out of the punching bag. But after a while, even that didn't blow off enough steam, so he went to the shooting range. That at least got him calm enough to not glare at everything in his line of sight.

Densi 9x07 Post-EpWhere stories live. Discover now