Densi 9x07/9x08 Post-Ep

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A/N: the first part of this continues right from the previous chapter. The next part takes place in the days between 9x07 "The Silo" and 9x08 "This Is What We Do". The last part will take place during and/or after 9x08.


For a while, Kensi and Deeks gently swayed with the music. Her head was resting on his chest, eyes closed, as she just enjoyed the feeling of being wrapped up in the arms of her love, her best friend, her world.

Deeks rested his head on her head, occasionally pressing his face into her hair and dropping a kiss wherever his lips happened to be.

He started out with a loose hold on her, but at one point, his grip tightened.

He pressed his face into her hair once more.

"I love you so freaking much Kens, and I know we've both said that a lot today, but I can't seem to say it enough. God, I love you, Princess," Deeks said, his words muffled by her hair.

They had stopped swaying as Deeks started talking. And now, as he moved his arms from her waist to wrap completely around her shoulders, Kensi knows what they both need.

"Mmm. I love you too. More than anything in this entire world," Kensi started, pausing only to reach up on her tippy-toes and plant a quick, chaste kiss on Deeks's lips, "Let's take a few days off. I think we deserve them."

"We sure do, Kens, we sure do."

Kensi smiled at him. She leaned in a little and nuzzled his nose with her own.

"You're adorable," Deeks smiled, stealing a kiss.

When a song called "Bless The Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts came on, they looked at each other and smiled.

They looked into each other's eyes the whole time they danced to the song, and they even sang it to each other.

During the instrumental/climax of the song, Deeks twirled his girl around, and the next thing he knew, she was completely in his arms.

Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and her arms hung loosely around his neck.

After a while, Deeks sat down with his back against the couch, and Kensi curled up between his legs, head on his chest, looking up at him with a sparkle in her eye and a wide smile that shined brighter than the sun.

As it got later, they were both too lazy, comfortable and content to move, and as Deeks drifted off to sleep, with Kensi snoring softly in his arms, the only thought on his mind was that it didn't matter where they lived, because their house wasn't actually his home; she was.


The next morning, Kensi and Deeks called Mosley and said they were going to use some of their vacation time.

All they were going to do was spend time with each other. They had asked for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off, and said they would be back on Friday.

Monday was a day devoted to little more than cuddling on the couch and watching movies. Though, you really couldn't say they were actually watching the movies, because they kept getting distracted by stolen, lazy kisses that always seemed to occur when they had any down time.

Tuesday they had spent the day at the beach. They had walked hand-in-hand, gloriously barefoot along the water's edge. At lunch they had sat in the bed of his truck, legs hanging off the edge as they ate the ice cream Kensi had begged Deeks to get. As they finished off the ice cream, Kensi hopped up from the truck and tugged Deeks along into the ocean for a water fight. By nightfall they had dried off and were laying in the bed of his truck, looking up at the stars; it was the perfect way to end their perfect day.

Wednesday had been a day devoted to little else but each other. They had woken up well past 10 in the morning, and hadn't moved from the bed until Kensi's stomach demanded they get food. But as soon as food had been checked off the list, they were right back in bed again, laughing, cuddling, and talking about everything and nothing all at once.

Thursday had come around way too fast for their liking, and they had spent the day mentally preparing themselves to go back to work. They had cherished each moment they spent together, knowing that there would always be that chance that one of them wouldn't come home when they returned to work on Friday.

And finally, the dreaded day of Friday rolled around. Both had prolonged getting out of bed until the very last minute possible.


Work had been good, and most importantly, not too dangerous. That is, up until Sunday.

Kensi and Deeks had been having breakfast with Deeks's mom, Roberta,  and her boyfriend, Guy, when they got called into work.

It had been an emotionally trying case for Kensi for one sole reason: Ahmed Han Asakeem.

His involvement in the case had brought up the memories of what she had to go through for the better part of a year.

When his picture first showed up on the big screen in OPS, she had looked like she'd seen a ghost. She had walked out of the room after a miinute or so.

Deeks had followed a few moments after, asking if shes was okay as he approached her.

And then at the end of the case, when the only thing left to do was to clean up, Kensi had spotted Asakeem walking towards the ocean.

"Asakeem," Kensi had said, walking towards him quickly, "Asakeem. Stop!"

She heard shouts of "Kens" and even a "Woah!" when she pulled out her gun, but she didn't pay attention, instead walking faster towards the person she had lost the better part of a year to.

And as Ahmed Han Asakeem kept walking towards the ocean, Kensi called out, "I will shoot you in the ass!"

Asakeem, however, paid her no mind as he slipped off his shoes and startedd praying.

Deeks came up behind her. As they both looked on, Deeks put his hand on Kensi's shoulder and squeezed.

"Baby you gotta let it go..."

To which Kensi responded with, "I'm trying..."

Deeks had let his hand linger a moment longer, before letting it drop, as Kensi leaned back against him. She looked about ready to cry.

After a moment, Kensi managed to choke out, "Take me home, Deeks."

Deeks brought his hand back up to her shoulder and squeezed it gently again.

"Sure thing, baby girl."

Kensi was already heading towards their car when Deeks asked if he could take her home.

Mosley had been kind enough to cut them some slack and let them go home.


When they got home, Kensi walked into Deeks's waiting arms and buried her face in his chest.

And there she stayed, right in Deeks's arms, until she felt okay again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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