Mad Father

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I really loved Lucifer and never let her get out from my sight or sick. Since I being locked in my own house I start talk with Lucifer well with cat voice of course, I learn from the internet about some fact about cat language, how the tone and intonation on your voice can make them understand you more . On my 16 years old birthday I look really pathetic. pale skin, empty eyes,  nails that I always sharpened, and last but not list my voice. I only talk in 'cat language' I don't talk in human language again. It's fun, but looks like I'm the one who think about that. My 'beloved dad' angry about this and made a family meeting.

I didn't really listen or pay attention to him which make him gone mad and crazy.

He pulled me to the attic and put Lucifer old leash on me, then he put on a lock into the chains on the leash, he then took the end of the chains and lock it on the bed post beside him .  He tied my hands together behind me with rope . Mom tried to go to the attic, but my dad stop her by yelling at her, and , since mom is scared of him, she go back to the kitchen. she can't even call  a police station to help me!?

My Dad suddenly search for something, and he somehow find an old machete. he smile at me then goes down, he then goes up again with one of my friend mom trying to follow him from behin. He then... chop their head off while smilling at me. Right there, I scream,  mom pass out and fall from the ladder. it's make dad lost focus at me for a moment. I use all of my strength to snap the chains and the rope. The leash cutting the skin around my neck while the rope burning my hand, but the chains and the rope finally snap.

My dad, got startled by this and tried to swing the machete at me, but he lost his balance and fall hard, I use that moment to run down and jump over my mom so I can save my friends and Lucifer. 

I've found Lucifer, she still alive, but... some of my friends had became to panic because they see their friend  get pulled so suddenly. with mom have pass out. I can't do nothing more then ran away and open the doors and windows so my 'friends' can run. But Lucifer just follow me, is like she knows what happen and didn't run like my other 'friends'. I can hear my father goes down while screaming my name.

Just when I went to say something  Dad saw me, the machete on his hand covered with blood of my friends. I began to panic when dad run on Lucifer way, so I . . . save Lucifer with my body. My back facing dad and I hug Lucifer, I think my body can blocked the machete, but I'm wrong, really wrong. . . Dad didn't notice me 'because he really angry and just stab my back and the machete came out from the other side of my body and Lucifer can't run.

My throat full of my own blood and I coughed blood, and that moment dad sanity came back. He falls to the floor when he saw me, heh, if looks can kill maybe dad will be death at that moment. Dad screaming while trying to call the ambulance and cops, but he is to panicked when he see me stop moving.

He suddenly carried me to the door on the back of our house. I can't see clearly and I'm getting dizzy. I can only hear the splash of the water when he throw me to a river behind our house. The river is very big and swift, he never let me play to the river when i'm still a child.

I fell my lungs burned, but I can't swim I still hug Lucifer and my legs felt numb and with the wound on my stomach because dad stab me. Then I saw black spots everywhere, and then darkness.

Dad... Wat-er you doing?


next is when cat changed into creepypasta. there will be two kind of stories, one where Slender mansion is real and few creepypasta and proxy live there ( the one where they acting like normal people), second where few creepypasta live in Slender Forest and kill people without mercy.

Ichi here! thanks for reading 0w0


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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