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Every ending story needs an epilogue. So, here's the one for Book 2!

    The situation as it appears seems hopeless. Our heroes, trapped in a dark tomb, have no escape. Ivor has gotten away, and the monster he created is still on the loose. Worst of all, Soren is nowhere to be found. And so, the questions remain: will they take down the Wither Storm? Is there any way to cure Petra's wither sickness? Will Nikki ever be able to control the mighty powers of the command block amulet? Only time will tell...

Okay, it's time to use my serious-slash-scary voice for the finish! *clears throat* Mi-mi-mi-mi...la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Punky pink puppies picked up popcorn from people...*ahem!* Okay, I think I got it now. *deep breath*

To be Continued...

There we are! D-Did I ace it?  

MC:SM Rewritten: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now