03.|I'm So Ugly

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Justin let's out a whimper as Zayn gently touched his bruised cheek, trying his best not to flinch from his lovers touch.

Pain flashes through Zayn eyes before he lets out a soft sigh. "I'm not going to hurt you, Justin," Zayn said softly, placing his soft lips on Justin's forehead. He felt Justin stiffen, but the boy soon relaxed. Zayn allowed his lips to linger before backing up, meeting the sad, hazel eyes he's falling hard for.

Zayn would be lying if he said he didn't have the urge to hurt every single soul that goes to Justin's school. Especially one in particular, being the troublesome Jason McCann.

Jason fucking McCann has done nothing but made Justin's life a living hell. The boy bullied Justin, beats him up, ruin every relationship with people he had, except for with Zayn because the boy is graduated, and ruined Justin completely.

And even when Justin and Jason was in a relationship that nobody knew about except Zayn, and he figured it out on his own, it continued. Once he figured out the two were together Justin told him everything. Justin said that Jason had admitted to bullying him because he liked him and wanted to be with him. He filled Justin up with fake promises telling him he would stop, especially if they get together Justin was hesitant at first but took a risk and got in a relationship with Jason.

And what a risk it was.

The relationship was nothing but toxic. Justin put his all into the relationship even though they had to keep it a secret. He lied to his parents about his whereabouts and what he did and Jason took advantage of that. He used and abused Justin. None of the stuff he promised Justin would stop, stopped. He still bullied Justin and made his life a hell, but when they were alone he would apologize and manipulate Justin to staying with him.

There were many times where Justin wished he was strong enough to leave. Jason cheated on Justin, and Justin would stay. That's when he realized he loved Jason, enough to stay with the cheating bastard. There were days where he wanted to hang out with Jason but Jason would blow him off and only hang out with Justin for his own benefit. Especially when it came to sex.

That's another thing; Jason was Justin's first everything. First kiss, first relationship, first sex, and during his first time Jason treated him like shit. He just went right in on Justin, rough with no lube at all. Justin bled but Jason didn't care. Justin wished that it could've been with someone else, like Zayn, but unfortunately it wasn't. Jason would only use Justin as a sex toy, find another toy, and go back to Justin whenever he got rid of that other toy.

There were many days they would argue and Jason would beat him, which resulted in Justin going home crying. His parents would ask what's wrong and he would always lie about it. Eventually he found himself tired of the relationship and tried to leave.

That's when Jason started to emotionally abuse him. He would tell Justin that no one else would ever want to be with him. He would tell Justin that he's ugly, a crybaby and nobody could ever deal with him except him.

And it worked. Justin started to believe those things and stayed with Jason for those reasons. He wanted to feel loved, which is something he never truly felt, and he learned that when he started hanging around Zayn. He wanted someone to be there for him and unfortunately it was Jason. Yes, the relationship was bad, but Justin always thought that Jason truly loved him and wanted to be with him.

But boy was he wrong.

He started to come to the conclusion that he couldn't do it anymore, and that's when Zayn came in and save the day. He met Zayn while at the park, crying because he caught Jason in bed with another girl.

And since that day about two months ago, they've been falling for each other.

Zayn helped Justin see the faults in the relationship and that Justin should get out of it before real damage is done. It took him a few weeks to convince Justin but it was done. Justin finally had broke up with Jason.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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