[1]The origins arc[1]

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I don't think she'd understand. I don't think anyone her age could understand. But she complied anyways.

"We are going to leave Mom, we are going to leave grandma, we are going to leave home." He said to his only child.

Ponah looked at him tiredly with droopy eyes. He stared at her before she nodded and grabbed her favorite blanket and sucked her lip ready to go.

He's genuinely shocked. She just didn't care? She doesn't mind leaving what she currently has behind? He didn't think about the fact that she's too young to know. Only the fact that he was old enough to know what she had lost.

Picking up the young girl he looked around her room as a sort of goodbye to their old home. He walked through the hallways silently, looking at his wife and her mothers bedroom before sighing and continuing to move forward.

"This is for you." He said to the young girl.  He walked out of the house, closing the door and throwing the key. As he waited for a response from the child as she was slumped over his shoulders she just looked at their home falling out of consciousness. 

"This is for you, kid." He says one last time. Not to convince the girl, but to convince himself. He knew he shouldn't go back to that woman ever again; the result would never be fruitful.

That woman- the child's mother, Esmeralda had her own set of issues. They both loved her very much, he loved her more than anything in the world, anything she'd ask from him she'd get. But one day she pushed it too far.

Esmeralda has a problem. A problem he was willing to put up with since he loved her so much. No amount of mental issues could top their love. He never cared. Every time she broke down crying in the middle of dinner, every time she screamed during the middle of the night, pulling at her own hair, tears streaming down her face. Yelling so loud that everyone in the world would know. But all the time without fail, he'd go to her. Speak to her in the calmest of voices, he wouldn't touch her without her consent. Scared to make her scream again. He would smile with her, they would always have the best of times.
Always presentable in public they were. Top notch family. But that was just the outside.

Adam was too in love with his wife. The man had married the woman, preparing himself to be with her for the rest of his life. He never wanted to part with her because of how happy she made him. But it was so toxic. When she screamed and had a fit she was out of her mind. She didn't care about who was in her way or not.

And every time he came close she just got angrier. Throwing glass at him. Yelling things she should have never said. Pushing and punching him as hard as he could. He never hit her back though, he loved her too much for that. He was scared he would hurt her, and she would leave him. He didn't want to lose his true love. So he endured the pain, he brushed it off treating it as it was nothing. Always complying to her every whim and need. Being there hand and foot. Anything she desires was something he wanted to obtain.

"I love you Esmeralda, my beautiful wife." He said looking at her lovingly.

She smiled in return. "I love you more than anything Adam." She said back.

With joy he picked her up, spun her around and laughed. "You're my wife! You're my wife! The most beautiful woman is my wife! The most fantastic woman is my wife! I have a diamond as my wife! I have a diamond as my wife!" He kisses her about a thousand times and she giggles all the while.

He wished that it could've been like that all the time.

She wished for not a thing since she had it all. Everything you could possibly imagine.

Esmeralda left for groceries at their local market once. While she was browsing around in the produce section she heard the most adorable laugh. She peaked out the corner of her eye and saw a baby.

The baby had entranced her from that moment on and she knew she wanted one. She quickly paid for everything she wanted and came back home running as fast as she could, quite childish, but she was happy. She knew she could tell her husband and he'd happily oblige. She knew after she had this baby there would be nothing she could ever want again. She would already have anything she needed, most definitely. After having this baby her entire life purpose would be complete. She'd have it all!

As he heard the idea his entire world lit on fire. He knew she'd want a child, but don't they have a perfect life now? He's never had a second thought anything that she's asked for until this moment. Another human. He has to care, for not one, but two humans. And that's excluding himself. Having a baby would be nice, but he wasn't so sure that Esmeralda wanted to have a baby. So he told her so.

"Esma." He took a deep breath, preparing to get hit.

She stopped chopping up the onions. "Yes Adam?" She asked smiling brightly. Ever since that idea was put in her head she's been absolutely enthusiastic.

"I don't think we are ready to have a child."

She looked at him as if he had lost his mind, as if he had went absolutely insane. He chose today to start denying her wishes? When all she wanted was to bare a child? When all she wanted to do was become a mother?! And now she's not even allowed to attempt to have her baby.

"You don't think we're what now?"

Furious she threw the knife into his direction but he ducked so it barely missed him.


Her vision turned red with rage as she ignored his pleas for her to calm down. He had never made her this angry before. Just going to flat out deny her? What for? What would he deny her for? She couldn't see the reason so her vision become clouded with resentment.

Adam reached for his throat not being able to breathe. "Esmeralda-please stop!" He pleaded with her.

She was taking all of the oxygen out of the house, and she didn't know it. She was just angry. He wanted to help her so badly but he was in need of help himself.

"..I l-love you! Esmeralda." He coughed out grasping his throat.

Esmeralda looked at him with red eyes. She scowled. "NO YOU DON'T!" She got so frustrated with him.

Adam looked at her with such pain in his eyes. She really thought he didn't love her, after all he's done for her? He does everything in his power for her, yet she doesn't believe his love for her? He tried to say something but choked on his words.

Now here he is once again, trying to say something to his little girl as they walked away from their 'forever home'. In the end he decided to walk forward instead. Trying not to think of his toxic treasures.

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