[2]The origins arc[1]

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They had finally reached their destination. Adam looked at his little girl with utmost joy, they would start their new life here. Far away from all of their previous problems. And they would stay safe, where no one would ever hurt them again.

He knocked on the door to the old house. The windowsill slightly broken. Glancing at the wobbly door nob he peaked through the window to see if anyone was inside. After doing a quick peak he took out his old key and unlocked the front door.

Coughing from all of the dust and moving a cobweb out of the way he closed the door with a heavy sigh. Grabbing Ponah in her wrapped up blanket he laid her gently on the dusty sofa. Not before making sure nothing creepy could crawl on her at first.

Turning on the faucet he tapped his temple in frustration. Adam grabbed a tea pot and used a match to light the stove to make tea. Wrapping himself in his old jacket he sat down next to his only child. Starring into the abyss as he began to reminisce once again.

The child just won't stop crying. And she was so sick of it. "Adam stop the baby from crying!" Rubbing her temples she paced the kitchen, not very fond of the screaming that was happening in the next room. That thing would always make such horrible noises. This was nothing like the melodic sound she heard that day, very far from it. She just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the baby wasn't like the one she'd seen at the market. This baby was not cute, at all. She didn't like this baby, it yelled and spit on her. Why would Adam give her something so awful? He couldn't just- change it?!

Getting even more frustrated that the fact that he was taking too long to stop the baby she went to go do it herself. Making a sharp left into the hallway going into the baby's room she came in hand raised, completely ready to strike the child.

The large doe eyes that stared at her wasn't something she had anticipated. In fact, the moment she stepped into the room the baby had stopped crying. Esmeralda felt as if she was magic, the baby had liked her so much as to just see her it would change her whole mood? She smiled delightfully and picked up her child, her only child. The young girl laughed and giggled at her and this moment could never be more perfect. She was so in love, the purest of sounds and the most beautiful faces, she was there to see.

In joy she smiled back, she squeezed the baby's face and attacked her with kisses. Then the baby's face scrunched up, looking at her as if she were a rodent. A nasty freak. Something she didn't want to be around let alone be touched by. The child spit on her face and she was so enraged in that moment. "I've birthed you, and this is my repayment?!" She yelled at the infant.

He awoke to the sound of yelling and crying. And knowing them both he knew this was bad. Quickly scrambling out of the rocking chair he ran towards his daughters room. And what he saw there was absolutely undoubtedly awful.

He felt his heart drop. She was squeezing the baby's neck while digging her nails into her stomach.

He quickly pulled the baby away from her. "ESMERALDA! WHY DID YOU HURT THE BABY?!" He yelled at her. He was so furious, he had never been this angry with her before.


Adam looked at her as if she was insane. What is there to learn if you are too young to comprehend? There is nothing yet. You just watch and observe the earth until you know how to process such things. She had hit his child, and got what? She's just a baby! She couldn't have possibly tampered with her temper to this extent of her having to hurt an infant. She's too young, she doesn't even know how to make herself mad.

She was so frustrated and he just didn't understand. This stupid thing was just getting in the way of this happy life they lived. And she keeps preventing them from having the perfect life they wanted, the perfect life she had wanted. And he was just completely fine with this, as if nothing was wrong at all. He just dealt with the problem like it was nothing, always catering to its every need so he ever had time for her anymore. What happened to the love he had for her? She thought the love for her was deserted. Matter of fact, she never thought it was there in the first place. She just thought he was there to keep her company because someone had asked her too, not out of love.

Of course it wasn't like that, but she couldn't see it.  So all hope of mutual understanding was never truly there.

He was just so hurt. He couldn't even come up with an excuse or a reason as to why she did this. She hurt their only child, and proceeded not to care. Adam just couldn't process his own feelings or thoughts. "W-why?" He choked out.

Esmeralda snapped her head over to him. "Why what?!" She yelled still furious.

"Why would you do that to the baby!" He yelled towering over her. More than shocked now.

Adam was angry, very angry. He could be hit, but not their child. Not his child. The fact that she had managed to harm the infant and he hadn't hit her yet was amazing.

She looked at him feeling a mix of emotions. Hate. Fear. And most of all, uncontainable rage. He ignores her, neglects their happy life and she tries to fix it and this is what she gets in return? Out of spite and pure rage and before stopping to think she slaps him across the face, full force. The moment he stumbled she kicked him between his legs and he crumpled to the floor with the baby still tucked safely away in his arms. "..I hate you." She whispered to the man.

Reaching over for the glass vase that was sitting on the table she pulls it high above her head to slam it down on Adams back.

He cried out in pain, he was already still hurting from what happened to him earlier. It was just a lot going on right about now and he only thing that he was sure of is that he wanted to protect his child. He couldn't allow anything to happen to her, no matter how much he loved his wife, he just had to protect his child.

The tea pot had began to whistle and he got off of the couch, moving slowly not to wake the baby up in the process. It was a little too late for all the questions right now. Ponah was surely a curious child. After pouring the tea into their respective cups he went back over to the couch sipping on the piping hot drink not bothering to blow on it.

He looked over to his kid, Ponah. While sipping away he pondered. Would his daughter turn out to be like her mother?

Every time he thought of Esmeralda he had mixed thoughts. He loved her so much, so much that he had to leave her. His love for her was overwhelming, overpowering. She easily controlled him by pulling at his heart strings. But there was of course a reason as to why he loved her so much.

All of the wonderful times they had together. Their trips and cruises. Their simple dates, or the days they danced in the rain just for the fun of it. She loves the smell of rain, he loved the smile on her face when it began to rain. It was just pure adoration coming from him.

But look where that ended him. He stared at nothing in particular before drinking his tea staring off into the abyss before he too would soon fall into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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