miscommunication on my part

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Of course I feel terrible.
They're my responsibility,
I have to make sure they're safe at all times.
Leaving like that was so irresponsible of me.
I should've called her to make sure it was okay.
I should've let her know I was leaving
I should have known better.
I should have told them to come with me.
I should've done... more.
I should've done better.

Anything could have happened and it would have been all on me.
My shoulders heavy.
My life a sour look,
And a cold distaste.
My soul empty,
As my eyes would protest.
And I wouldn't be present.

But nothing happened and it was all fine,
but nothing was okay and we all knew that.
It was up for discussion once she was home.
A lot of why's and what's leaving room for an explanation.

I'm tired and empty and there is pain in my heart
But I do not fear her nor her threats
I couldn't care less.

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