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Logan's POV
today was Thursday and I am taking Vanessa to Disneyland:

I went into her room to wake her up and saw her sleeping and waited a few minutes because she looked so peaceful

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I went into her room to wake her up and saw her sleeping and waited a few minutes because she looked so peaceful. I gently shook her till her eyes opened. It was 4:00 in the morning I got passes so we could go before park hours and not get bombarded by logangsters. We got ready and she was so exited she didn't want to make breakfast so we stopped at McDonalds and got pancakes. We left Vanessa's house at 4:30 and got there at 5:30 the park opened at 9 so we had some time.  I bought her a giant stitch stuffed animal. We looked like we were dating, good thing no one was there. We took a few pictures but my favorite one was the one where she took control and kissed me in front of the castle. We went on almost every ride and our favorite ride was splash mountain. We loved how the big drop was a thrill of a life time when you got splashed at the end. She bought a splash mountain hoodie. It was now 8:00 so we had to leave before the park opened, even though we could stay, we would get kicked out for fan issues. We got back to Vanessa's place at 9:00.  She was tanning on the chairs and I dumped a bucket of cold water on her.
Vanessa: LOGAN, what the heck is wrong with you.
Logan: geez it just a prank.
I picked her up and I threw her in the pool. She yelled at me but in 20 minutes I walked out on her tanning on her back side instead of front this time and watched her he for a minute but I had the nerve to sneak up on her and grab her butt. I put my hand on her butt and squeezed it, her reaction was looking at me and laughing, she didn't even flinch. Well I guess she was used to me;). I was on my way to Jakes house to hang out with team 10 when I got a call from Vanessa saying that Koda fell off of the couch and hurt his paw. I turned the yeti around immediately and zoomed down the highway until I got home and Vanessa was waiting outside with her eyes all read and puffy holding Koda like a baby. I felt so bad for her and for Koda. Koda was crying the whole way to the vet. After we dropped Koda off at the pet hospital I decided to take Vanessa to dinner to take her mind off of things. We didn't go to anything fancy, we went to outback steak house, her favorite restaurant.  It made her happy but she felt like a bad owner. She blames herself for not keeping an eye on Koda. She said she wasn't going to let Koda on the couch for a few months until he's bigger and stronger. She got a call from the vet saying it was nothing major she just sprang her ankle and she had to have a wrap around her paw. She also said to put a condom on her paw so that the wrap doesn't come undone. When we heard that me and Vanessa laughed so hard tears dropped off our faces. After eating we picked up Koda from the vet and brought him in the car.
Vanessa: well Logan, you heard the vet, get on of the condoms out of the drawer. I know you have them, we had to use one.
I smiled and pulled open the drawer and got a condom, opened it, and put one around Kodas paw.  We drove home, I uploaded my vlog and we both went in Vanessa's room and watched a movie. We went on her room because the movie theater was cold and she had a fireplace.  We ended up both falling asleep, except I fell asleep on her lovesac.

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