thirty three

433 11 1

Logan's POV
I woke up in the movie theater next to Vanessa. she was still sleeping.  i wish i could tell the whole world that she is mine but one, she isn't mine... yet. and two, the logang doesn't know yet. i went on snapchat and took a picture of her sleeping and captioned it 'sleeping beauty' i wanted to post it so badly but i couldn't so instead i saved it to my memories and pressed the x button. i slithered my arm around her waist and went back to sleep. i woke up about an hour later and Vanessa wasn't there i looked everywhere for her, but she was no where. then i looked out the back window to see her come up from under the pool, she didn't see me so i decided to got get changed into my swimsuit. ya know the normal red one. i couldn't stop thinking about her, she was stunning. she was in this bathing suit:

i ran out of the closet after changing and transformed into full stealth mode

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

i ran out of the closet after changing and transformed into full stealth mode. i creeped around the house until koda ran up to me and started jumping up onto my legs so i picked him up and walked to the pool. i slide the glass door open and was behind the waterfall where she wouldn't see me. i jumped into the shallow end holding koda up so he wouldn't get in the water yet. i made a huge splash that got Vanessa's hair soaked.
Vanessa: omg logey, you got my hair soaked.
Logan: oops i said with a smirk.
i placed koda in the water and he swam to Vanessa swarming her with kisses. after swimming laps for like 5 minutes i wanted to talk to Vanessa about our date. i swam to her and pulled her into my arms and hugged her from behind. she looked me in the eyes and put her lips on mine quickly.
Logan : so i've been thinking about our date.
Vanessa: me too, fancy or casual?
Logan: in between.
Vanessa: ok sounds good, where are we going
Logan: you'll see. i just hope you'll like it. we got out of the pool and dried off when i started to plan our first date, it had to be perfect.

Best friends or more? Logan paul fan fiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن