Chapter 3- Beginning our Journey

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  • Đã dành riêng cho Alyssa. I used your favorite song in this chapter.

   When we left in the morning, I was super tired. Listening to music kept me awake. At that time, I was listening to my favorite song, "Glad You Came" by the Wanted. Candace often complained of my singing.

   "I have to use the bathroom," Candace asked Emily, "Can you stop at the next rest area?"

   "Ughhhh, fine," replied Emily.

   When we arrived at the Nevada welcome center rest area, Candace ran for the bathroom. As soon as I got out of the car, I heard a gunshot and then a few screams. 

   "Annabelle, get down!" screamed Emily while she stared directly at me. 

   As soon as Emily said that, the man with the gun came over to me.

   "Call me Sara!" I yelled to Emily, "Go get Candace!"

   The man with the gun tried to shoot me again. But, I slapped him, which only made it worse. I had to wrestle him to try and get the gun from him. When I finally managed to get the gun from him, I held it up to the man's chest (where his heart was to be exact) and pulled the trigger. There was blood everywhere. I didn't want to kill him. What if he has children? But, I had to do what I had to do to survive. 

   Since the man had seen our car, one of his coworkers at the FBI had seen it too. So, we decided to "borrow" somebody's car so they wouldn't recognize it. We left the keys to Candace's car in return.

   "But, I loved that car," Cadace complained.

   "Would you rather keep your car or get found and killed by the FBI who, might I add, are professional killers?" I asked.

   "Now that I think about it, I'm starting to like mini-vans," replied Candace.

   We were getting pretty tired, so we decided to stop for the night at a hotel. We didn't even waste time unpacking our bags. We literally just flopped down on our beds and went to sleep. That night, I had the same dream as I had on the first night without my parents.

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