Daddy Issues pt 1

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'Dads finally come home! It's been weeks!' You think to yourself happily. I hope he's sober! He's so nice when he's sober. He promised me on my last years thirteenth birthday party that he'd be sober at least three days before my fourteenth birthday. Your happy thoughts fade quickly as you realise that he's drunk again. You know to stay in your room when this happens and you know not to come out for a thing. 'Y/N!' Dad calls. "Daddy's home, come give him a kiss, will you?!" Dad shouts. Ever since mom died, dads been lonely and he's been drinking a lot more to drown his sorrow, but apart from drowning his bad thoughts, it makes him do awful things. I stay quiet and hopefully dad will forget what he was on about and fall asleep. "I SAID GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE YOU WORTHLESS SLUT!!" I know that things will be worse if I hide up here, he'll find me, so I slowly walk down the stairs and peep my head in the room where dad is standing. "Awww look at my precious girl... Now get over here!" Dad says clenching his teeth. I quickly walk over to him, leaving at the very least one metre between us. He walks closer and I jump slightly. He strokes my hair behind my ear and whispers, "Now kiss me." I Shut my eyes tightly and lean forward. As our lips are so close to meeting I grab the vase from behind him and smack it over his head. It knocks him straight out and he falls back on to the dining room floor. I sigh shakily and grab my coat, I think I need some air.

Time skip

I had been walking around the neighbourhood for at least two hours, I'm too scared to go back. I think I need to stop voiding it though because I have to go at some point and I know he can't hurt me when he's out cold.

As I'm walking back I notice that I am being followed. I walk the busiest route so that if I scream someone will hear and hopefully help. I thought my change of route would get rid of the guy but he seems to be keeping up. I start to run, hoping and praying that he won't run also. I look back to see that he hasn't. I sigh with relief but the relieving feeling soon vanished as I see the guy standing but a few petty metres in front of me. My eyes widen and my heart basically beats out of my chest. I take a few steps back, about ready to sprint right before someone grabs me from behind and pins my face to the wall. The first guy walks over and puts his mouth next to my ear, whispering, "Scream and I'll shove my blade right up your 'well developed area'." I gasp. 'What the hell is wrong with this guy?!' I think to myself. His voice sounds old and raspy and he smells of cigarettes and alcohol. I want to scream out 'FUCK OFF YOU OLD PERVERT!' But I know he's serious now that I see the clearly newly sharpened blade. "Come live with me baby girl. Your dads a drunk, unfit parent and he killed your mother so c'mon, come live with your loving uncle, sweet girl." My uncle??? Wait... My eyes widen as I realise what else he said and at first I think to myself 'No! dad wouldn't do that!' but 'Face it Y/N! He's a drunk asshole! A poor excuse for a father! And everything I fear the most... he's all I have left.' I completely ignore his request, I stomp on his foot and elbow the other guy in the face. I run as quickly as I can, my sight blurring with tears... 'No! I can't cry now!' I get to the house and I slam the door open then locking it behind me. I walk calmly to the kitchen and find the biggest knife there.

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