A Forgotten Summers Kiss

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The moment,

So brief,

Yet so beautiful in it's entirety.

Their lips,

So soft pressed against mine,

My heart,

Racing a mile a minute,

My thoughts spinning out of control,

It only lasted a few moments,

And yet,

It felt like it lasted so much longer.

In that moment,

Everything seemed to make sense..

With my hands so gently placed into yours,

They seemed to fit like a puzzle piece.

As I gazed into your beautiful eyes,

I got lost..

Oh how lovely it was to feel this way.

Where did it all go..?

When did that passion just fade away..

like it was never there to begin with.

We seemed to get so caught up with each other,

That somewhere along the lines,

We forgot about ourselves..

And though our troubles can wash away,

Like the ocean receding away from the sand..

I will never forget,

The moment my lips met yours,

And the feeling we shared,

During that summers kiss...

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