Chapter One : A Surprise

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When Mike got a puppy, there were two things he was looking forward to. One, of course, was having a new companion. The other one was showing Eleven. Since she had spent all her life in a lab up until recently, he figured she'd never seen a dog, much less a three month old pug. He ran up to his room with what he had named "Millie". He grabbed his walkie talkie and tried to reach El.

"El! El!" He shouted into the phone. Millie had nested in his lap.

Eleven frantically picked up the walkie. "Mike? Are you hurt?" Her voice was small but panicked.  Mike chuckled. "I'm fine, El. Please come over, there's something I wanna show you!"

El was a little confused. "What do you want to show me?"

Millie let out a little yap that Mike frantically tried to shush. "I can't tell you." He hoped El didn't hear Millie's excited yips.

"Friends don't lie, Mike.." El said, "Especially... more than friends." She frowned slightly.

"Cmon, El. It's a surprise." Mike was smiling hard. Eleven was so adorable, and not a day went by where Mike thanked his lucky stars that they found her in the woods.

"Surprise?" Eleven asked. She didn't recall hearing that word after nearly half a year in Hawkins.

"It's when.. you show or give someone something that they weren't expecting."

El nodded, even though she knew Mike couldn't hear it.

"I'll be there soon. It's not gonna put me in danger, is it?"

She could hear Mike laugh endearingly over the walkie. She chuckled lightly. Hearing him laugh made all worry disappear.

"No.. quite the opposite." Mike admitted, looking down at the pile of wrinkles that was his dog."

"Alright. I'll see you soon. Over and out." Eleven had picked up that phrase after hearing the boys end conversations over the walkie like that over time.

"Over and out."

Mike pulled down the antennae. He smiled, petting his puppy.

"Oh! I love you too..!" He exclaimed as Millie jumped up, licking his face.

Eleven hopped onto the bike that Joyce had gotten her. Dustin taught her how to ride a bike, but even then she was shaky. After a few scrapes, she had reached the Wheeler household. She walked up the steps and knocked on the door softly.

Mrs. Wheeler peaked through the hole in the door, seeing a noticeably anticipated Eleven. "Mike?" She hollered, "Were you expecting El?"

Mike ran down the stairs, Millie's collar jingling as she ran down beside him. "Yep! I wanna surprise her with Millie. She's never seen a dog before."

Mrs. Wheeler smiled. It was impeccable how much Mike cared for her. She stood to the side as Mike let Millie go in front of him. He shared a look with his mother.

"It's open!" She yelled.

El opened the door, looking down at the sound of yaps. She stumbled back.

"What is that, Mike?" It looked like a wrinkly blob. But a cute wrinkly blob.

"It's a puppy, El!" Mike exclaimed, both him and Mrs. Wheeler giggling.

El looked down at it, watchingas it sniffed her hand, licking it. She looked both confused and mortified.
"That means it likes you!"

"It likes me?"

"Yeah! Go ahead, pick it up."

El crouched down and picked up Millie. "Hi.." she said, holding her face level with hers. Millie squirmed excitedly, licking her nose a few times. She giggled, patting its head a few times. El drew Millie closer to her, holding it like a child.

"I take it you like her?" Mrs. Wheeler asked.
El nodded, "Whats her name?"

"Millie." Mike said, "Millie Eleven Wheeler."

Eleven smiled wide. "You named it.. after me?"


She set down Millie gently, although she continued to jump around on her hind legs.

Eleven ran to hug Mike, catching both of them off guard.

Though no words were exchanged, there was a mutual understanding.

And that's the story of El meeting the first puppy she ever saw.

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