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The moon on the rise - it was the last day before the transform. Oh how Remus distressed about it for the millionth time in his head - the very thought shaking in his head. Swirling like prey ready to pounce.

"Ayy mate don't sweat about it," his best friend, Sirius Black comfort him. Remus looked at him with a look, how he not sweat about it. It was the first time he hadn't done his transform at Hogwarts or at his own home.

"Yea Mooney you need to take a chill pill, relax mate - nothing's gonna go wrong," grins James Potter - the ring leader of their group. They were all at his house for winter break and the moon was about them - and Remus had a furry little problem.

"Whenever you say that, sometimes always goes wrong," groans Remus looking to the window to the sky. To the almost full moon.

"James! Sirius! Remus! Lydia! Dinner!" Erin Potter, the mother of the twins called to them. James and Sirius ran out of the room faster than a seeker.
Remus followed quietly behind as he exited the room.

So did Lydia Potter - Queen of Hogwarts and well of everything. Being born of one the oldest wizardry families - Lydia had many perks of being pure blood, something Remus never had being a half blood.

Lydia looked nothing like James, she was short with red head and a small button nose. The only trait the twins shared was their devilish oak brown eyes. And Remus loved looking at Lydia's dark brown ones more than James'.

Lydia looked beautiful as ever. Her redhead to the side and she wore the most elegant of clothes. Only the best for their princess, thought Remus as they met half way to the stairs.

"Lupin," Lydia nodded. She never called him by his name, or Sirius by his name. She never talked to them expect when she was with James, and well now.

"Lydia," Remus called her by her name and he didn't even notice the redness of her cheeks when he did.

Lydia clear her throat making Remus look at her, he didn't even know the first to say to a girl like this. His tongue twisted and a lump in his throat began to build. "Shall we?"

She asks referring to dinner that awaited them downstairs. "Yes shall." They walked down together never making eye contact which sucked for Remus cause he loved her eyes.

They walked and James decided to tease both. "Ohh look at the couple, I can hear the wedding bells," teases James yelling to his baby sister and best friend. Lydia turns red and looks ready to blow.

Red Lips 🖤 Remus Lupin (1)Where stories live. Discover now