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The next day, Christmas morning and Lydia laid in her bed like some kind of Queen. Which she was. She raised from her bed looking beautiful as ever, her hair fell elegant to the side and her sleepy oak eyes sparkled as they difted to the window. Snow covered the window in frost - Lydia smiled. She loved the snow. It was beautiful like her.

She went to go put her slippers on and instead of her slippers it was a creatures book - it snapped at her. She screams, jumping into her bed. She hears laughter from the door. "JAMES CHARLES POTTER!" She screams - Remus swears the house shook.

"RUN!" James and Sirius run downstairs laughing their arses off. Remus sighed knocking on the door as he can hear Lydia scream as the book snapped at her again.

"Help someone please!" She screams.

Remus opens the door and sees the snapping book and the frighten girl. The book turns and goes Remus. But Remus had tricks up his sleeves - he pulled out his wand and shock the book to it frozen.

"Thank Merlin," mutters Lydia, taking a breathe of air, she hopes down reaching for her red slippers. "Thanks so much Lupin." She smiled standing up still in her red pjs. Red was her color as you could tell.

"It's Remus." He corrects as she walks to get to the door. He blushes as red as her clothes and slippers. Man he just saved his crush and she thanked him.

"I know." She smiled sweetly it almost look like a sin as she walked into the hall to get the tree and probably scream at James and Sirius. No one Wonder she was on SCREAM for Gryffindor.

She knew his name, she knew his name and he knew hers. He lets a breathe of air before following her downstairs. He was the last one to arrive to the living room - of course Lydia was telling away at James and Sirius.

"James Charles Potter I swear to Merlin I will personally hex you into next week," Lydia hisses into James ear and she pinched him by it. James groan, Sirius chuckled. Lydia turned to him. "Was that a chuckle Hobo?" She drops James and does the same to Sirius.

"God woman you're hurting my ears no wonder you're on SCREAM," groans Sirius as she dropped him. She walked over to her seat in the living room and sits down pulling her leg over the other and crosses her arms. She smirks.

"Yea, that's our little SCREAM-er," smiled Erin walking with Charles. Erin, herself was SCREAMER when they first had it at Hogwarts. Erin Potter nee Mage was the founder of the cheer sport since girls weren't allowed to play Quidditch at the time. Erin made it a way for Girls to support and have Their moments to shine.

James rolled his eyes as him and Sirius not happy groaning rubbing their ears and backs. Lydia smirks proud of herself - Remus chuckles under his breathe to the smirking girl as he sat near her but not too close. Lydia watched as he sat down, she stared at the man that was Remus Lupin - her brother's friend. A mysterious boy to say the least, the puzzle Lydia wanted to find out. She had lied to her parents when they all got back last night. The boys were caught and Lydia saved them as Erin had sent them to bed as soon as they through the door.

James and them won't know. But Lydia covered up for the boys pranks all the time - the main reason they never got caught. Lydia covered for many but people only knew them as lies - but deep down Lydia seeks truth just like anyone. "Now James, Sirius suck it up sons just be glad it wasn't your mother," Charles chuckles as Erin glares playfully smacking his shoulder. He laughs," love you dear." She laughs kissing him. The boys expect Remus gag to show their disgust like children and Lydia rolled her eyes at their childish actions of affection.

"Love you too, love," she smiles sitting next to Charles," okay before anyone opens any presents - Remus?" He looked at Mr and Mrs Potter smiled looking at each other and then to Remus," since it's your first time here, you get to open the first present. It's a mystery present we don't even know who's from but it says to you." Erin handed Remus a small medium box wrapped in a light blue wrapping paper. "But we checked it for hexs so you're good." Remus held the box and unwrapped the sliver ribbon. Inside Remus saw a letter and and a chain at the end, a shooting star dangled. It shined sliver and beautifully. He smiled, he set it down and lifted the letter so he could read.


I know we haven't talked and you barely even know who I am, who I truly am but you shine as bright the night sky's stars in my eyes, keep go shining...

Erin was right. No one left a name but it was sweet to say the least. He wanted to cry at the sweetest the person. "Well what does it say?" Yells Sirius. Lydia smacks the back of his head. "Ow woman. I'm just asking."

"Maybe he doesn't want to read it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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