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Jack wakes up back on the endless path in the forest just outside an old burned building. Buried in the rubble was a cute soft marionette with a lighter firmly strapped to its right hand, he gets up with all of his wounds cauterized and he felt a lot better than what he did when he entered the "tuck shop". It's like that thing healed his wounds all together Jack got up and left then continued to find an escape

Still unable to find an exit to this natural maze, -starting to ache- Jack continues to walk down the path into the endless void hoping to find an exit, as all hope was lost he spots an exit with a town at the end of the path and he begins rushing towards it, he begins to feel relieved, however, it was short lived

Jack looks ahead and he spots a few vague bright figures, quickly approaching, although not shaped like a person, but more like a dog, then he realizes that these figures, were the feral hounds from the other day, he froze, he tried to move but he can't, they quickly get closer, he still struggles to move, but he sees another figure, except this time it's a dark person carrying something on his back, the wolves continue charging. But they end up running past Jack, while clawing him on their way past, injuring him and ignoring him, Jack decided not to think why they continued running past him, and he begins painfully strolling towards the man, yelling for help. Suddenly, he sees the man pull out a rifle, with Jack in his sights, it was silent, and then suddenly there was ringing in his ears, extreme agony coming from his chest, where blood was pouring out, he tried to scream but he couldn't, he tried to move but he couldn't, he just collapsed...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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