1.The Journey

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Carolyn, Charles and captain Connor were seated inside the space ship. They were about to go to a recently discovered planet called lusmeanou. They buckled their seat belts. Soon the space ship blasted off.

Every one waited patiently in their seats until the ship was stable enough to walk on. The captain who was operating the ship said "You can now move around the ship, but be careful as there are many experimental and hazardous equipments." " we will be very careful, captain." Charles replied. "Now kids, This is your first journey to outer space. Please remember that the outer space is very dangerous. So, you must be very careful at all times. And don't forget that the gases in the atmosphere of some planets aren't safe for you to breath in. Some other planets don't have an atmosphere so there won't be any oxygen. Therefore, keep your space helmets on at all times till we are in the space ship. You also must help me in collecting samples of different things of the planet so we can go back to earth to do researches about this planet" the captain muttered. " don't worry. we will do as you said" Carolyn responded.

Carolyn and Charles chatted for a few more hours about the trip before finally going to their capsules to go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day thought Carolyn, as she drifted off to sleep.

The next day Both Carolyn and Charles woke up to the sound of an alarm. They quickly got ready and went to meet captain Connor . The captain said that they would be arriving in planet lusmeanou in a period of 5 hours. The two kids went to have breakfast and were surprised to find dried food " do we have to eat those?" Charles asked. " I think we have to but, they don't look very tasty." Carolyn said. "Come on now kids, it's just for a day. It won't be that bad. Trust me" the captain replied.

Reluctantly, they agreed to eat their breakfast. It wasn't very bad. However, it wasn't as tasty as a usual breakfast would be. The kids and the captain went to exercise in the gym. "And why exactly do we have to exercise." Asked Charles "well, exercising in space is a must as there is no gravity. So bones and muscles don't have to support the weight of our bodies. And the cardiovascular system becomes lazy because the heart doesn't have to work as hard as it does on Earth to pump blood up to the head. As a result our bones and muscles become more weak after time spent in space ." Replied the captain. "Okay" Charles said in a puzzled tone. Nevertheless the captain did not notice and had started to work out. Looks like we're going to learn a lot this trip. Charles thought to himself. By the time they finished exercising, they were quenched with thirst. They quickly hydrated themselves, freshened up and got their space suites ready.

The spaceship was ready to land on planet lusmeanou. Everyone quickly put on their space suits and made sure their oxygen supply had no issues. When the spaceship landed on the planet, Captain Connor and the kids set off to explore the planet with some equipment for sample collection. Little did they know there was a surprise waiting for them.

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