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"In your eyes it's love at first sight,in my eyes it's curiosity."

Dee's p.o.v
It was a cold crisp Friday night and me and my close friend Latto where picking up some snacks at the convenient store right around the corner from her house.

She was at the edge of the chip aisle confused on what bag of chips she wanted.

"C'mon Latto these drinks getting mad heavy,how long it's gone take you I decide what bag of chips you want?" I complained while she sucked her teeth.

"Pipe down I'm tryna think"

"Think about what?"

"About which ones I really want.Doritos only have 123 calories and meanwhile Cheetos got 330 but Cheetos good as hell."

"Just go with your gut Latto ,what does it want?"

"It want me to buy the whole goddamn store." She joked while I laughed.

"Okay Okay I made my final decision....I'm going with Doritos" She said jumping up and down.

"Yay,Now can we go now."

"No,I ain't stack up on no cakes yet." She said running to the aisle with Little Debbie's on it. I sighed.

I walked to the front of the store and put the drink cans down on the counter by the cashier.

"OUU DEE COME QUICK,YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!" Latto yelled from the edge of the store.

"WHAT IS IT?!" I yelled back making the cashier jump.


I sighed as I strolled to the back.

That's when somebody bumped into me and I lost my balance.

"My bad,I wasn't watching where I was going."

I looked up to see a bright colored boy holding his hand out to help me up.

I took his hand and he pulled me off the floor.
"It's okay it didn't hurt too much." I told him avoiding eye contact because we all know what that leads to.

The boy had a afro that fit him very well and he had on a white beater and gray basketball shorts even though it was like 40 degrees outside.

I admit the boy was cute and he had his natural little swag that nobody could copy.
I couldn't help but to look in his eyes because I was curious to see what color they were and if they'd match his skin tone perfectly.

For some reason when I looked  into his eyes I lost my train of thought and I was confused to why that was happening.

After a while of staring into his eyes I realized that I was staring into his soul and quickly looked away.

The boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and started to chuckle.

"You Okay?"

"Ye-yeah I was just umm I should go." I tried to walk away but the boy stopped me.

"Wait....You uhh....left your phone." He handed me my phone and before I could thank him he ran off.

After a while of watching him walk away Latto came running from the cake aisle.

"Girl,why is yo ass just standing there.Them lil Debbie cakes is 5 for a dollar bitch I damn near the bought all of em."  Latto said elbowing me.

But for some reason I was too stuck in the moment to feel anything.

I stood and looked at her for a brief moment waiting for her to ask me why I was just standing around and eventually she did but not at the exact time I needed her to.

In your eyes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें