I Warned You

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Harry is about 15 in this.

"C'mon Harry! We need to leave!" Louis yelled up the stairs.

Harry came stomping down a minute later. "Daddddd" Harry whined. "It's 11 am, I shouldn't be awake!"

"Harry, I told you last night that you shouldn't stay up so late as we were going to Liam and Zayn's house! You didn't listen, so I will not deal with the whining. I don't want to hear it again."

Harry stomped his foot slightly. "You're so annoying."

"Enough with this attitude, let's go."

Harry followed his dad out the door, and got into the car with him.


As soon as they got to Liam and Zayn's house, they were greeted with 4 year old Niall running towards them getting out of their car.

"Uncle Louis!" Niall screamed, jumping up and down excitedly. Louis smiled down at Niall, but the smile quickly disappeared when Zayn briskly came up behind Niall, and smacked his small bum twice, causing Niall to burst into tears.

Zayn got down on his knees to be at Niall's level. "Niall, you know you aren't allowed to run out of the house without someone with you! I'm sorry I had to spank you but you know what happens when you do something so dangerous!"

Niall threw himself into Zayn's arms. "I'm sorry Baba!"

"It's alright my love. Let's bring Harry and Uncle Louis inside now."

Niall ran over to his uncle and cousin, took hold of each of their hands and brought them inside his home for a fun filled day.

"Hey bro!" Louis yelled happily when they walked into the house.

Liam looked up and smiled. "Hey Lou."

He walked over to Niall and picked him up in his arms. "Never run out ever again, you scared Baba and Daddy." Niall nodded quickly.


The day started out very well. The three adults chatted at the kitchen table while Harry and Niall played with Niall's toys in the living room, which Harry was no longer enjoying. He was happy to play with his cousin for a little while, but now he wanted to go sit with his dad and uncles and talk with the adults, since he felt like he practically was one.

Harry was already agitated, and when Niall shoved a rocket ship into his face that he had sneezed and wiped his germy hands on, it was the last straw. Harry jerked the rocket ship out of Niall's hand roughly, and threw it across the room. It was one of Niall's favorite toys and when a piece popped off when it landed on the hardwood floor, Niall burst out crying.

All the three men came rushing into the living room to see what had happened. Liam rushed over to Niall and rocked him in his arms, calming him down enough to tell what happened.

"Honey, what happened? What's got you so upset hmm?" Liam said, wanting to help his distraught son in any way he could.

"I was just trying to share with Harry and be a good boy like you and Baba told me to be! But Harry threw my toy across the room and it broke!" Niall wailed.

Louis glared at his son and walked over to him, grasping his arm and dragging him into the kitchen.

Louis raised an eyebrow. "What is going on with you young man?"

"Niall's annoying me!" He groaned." He's just a stupid baby."

"Young man, this is not the way we talk about people, let alone your own cousin! I want an attitude change right this minute, or you're going to be getting a spanking when we get home."

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