First Spanking

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Louis pretty much always knew his whole life that he was gay. When he was a little boy, all his friends talked about all the girls they liked and the ones they thought were cute, but Louis never felt the same things that they did. He never was attracted to girls and he never wanted to be with one. He never understood why he felt this was or why he was different from most people until his mom told him when he was 12 that her brother had married a man, and she explained that some people like men and some like women and some like both. At that moment, he realized that in fact, he liked boys and was gay himself. 

He hid this until he was 15 and he came out to his family and friends. They accepted him with open arms and nothing changed between them. His school soon found out as well, and things surprisingly weren't very bad. There was the odd couple of people that called him names and made fun of him, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He knew that he had support and he didn't need those people.

Louis dated more than a few boys during his life, and had never been with a girl until one night when he was 23. He had just broken up with his boyfriend of 3 years, who had been cheating on him for a year. Louis was heartbroken and all he wanted to do was forget. So he went to a bar in the middle of town and got drunker then he had ever been in his entire life. He met a girl there, Michelle, who was also very drunk. They exchanged numbers and after a little while of talking, Michelle started to get touchy with Louis. Louis was too drunk to care so they ran off to the mens bathroom together and had sex. Louis left straight after realzing what had happened and he regretted it  immediately.

Louis got a call from Michelle 2 weeks later, telling him that she was pregnant and that they needed to talk. Louis met up with her and she explained that she doesn't want their kid to have no father in his or her life. Louis agreed and him and Michelle started dating. Louis stayed in the relationship and took care of Michelle during the pregnancy even though he had absolutely no feelings for her.

Soon enough, the day came when Michelle gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Harry Edward Tomlinson. Louis fell in love with this little boy and stopped regretting that one drunken night. Louis was happy for once with his family, he didn't know how long he could stay with someone he didn't love but he was happy that he had his beautiful son out of this mess.

On the exact day Harry turned 5 months old, Louis woke up to find a note on the kitchen table.

Dear Louis,

I've never wanted to be a mother and I still don't want to be. I don't want someone in Harry's life who cannot give him love or care.

I see that you love him so much and that you will care for him, so I'm signing over full custody to you. You will not see me ever again, I know that we don't love each other and I know neither of us could have lived like that for too much longer.

You will make an amazing father.


When Louis read the note he felt relieved and frustrated at the same time. He didn't have to live with somone he didn't love and Harry didn't have a mother who didn't love or care for him. But also Harry would grow up, not knowing his mother or having one. This is either going to impact Harry's life positively or negatively. 

And Louis would try as hard as he could to give harry the best life he could have.


Louis had been sitting on the couch reading a book, when he realized that there was no sound going through the house. Which was something Louis never experienced, having a three year old. The last time that Louis saw Harry, he was in his room happily coloring in his Toy Story coloring book.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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Father and Sonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें