Gatsby and Storybrooke

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On a long drive, Gatsby and his friend Nick along with his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom found themselves in an unknown town. They passed through what seemed to be some sort of blockade. It was invisible to everyone until you came up to it. Once you went through it there was some woodsy area then you came into a tiny looking town. They passed a sign that said Welcome to Storybrooke. They came to a hotel, a diner, and a pawn shop. There were some houses nearby and some apartments. It was a very small town but it was nice.

The four friends looked around them as they drove through the town. They didn't understand where they were or what had just happened. On the street corner was an older lady who looked like a grandma arguing with a younger looking girl who was wearing obscene clothing. Gatsby, who had been driving the car, parked on the side or the road next to the diner. He stepped out of the car first, then Nick and then Tom and then Daisy followed. Gatsby walked up to the elderly lady and asked about the place.

"Who are you?" The woman asked in a somewhat rude tone.

"Sorry to interrupt you, ma'am. I was just curious to know what this place was. I mean it's not on any maps or anything. I've never heard of this place." Gatsby said trying to be polite.

"You're new here? How did you get in?" The woman asked in a more concerned tone.

"We just drove in," Gatsby replied confused.

"Come with me. All four of you. Was there anyone else with you?"

"No, it was just us. What's going on? Where are we supposed to be following you to?"

"Just come with me. We won't hurt you."

"We don't even know who you are."

"You can call me Granny." With that, the four followed Granny into the diner. She fixed them each a burger and fries.

"Where are you from?" Granny asked wanting to know more about them and how they got through the cloak around the town. The cloak was only meant to allow people who were from a magical background in.

"We're from New York," Daisy said.

"So what is this place?" Nick inquired.

"It's called Storybrooke," Granny replied. Suddenly there was a bright green light that showed up outside. All of the other people in the diner rushed to the window to see what was happening. Granny and the younger lady that she had been arguing pushed their way to the front and then through the door. The light was coming from a building about a block down the road.

Gatsby and his curious crew decided to see what the fuss was about. They followed the light to the building it was coming from. A pawn shop. The light seemed to create a hole in the floor. They stood around it looking down into it.

"What do you think it is?" Nick asked.

"I don't know," Gatsby replied. Daisy took a step to close and fell in screaming the whole way down. Gatsby dove in after her and then Nick followed. Tom decided to stay behind. He didn't want to go somewhere else he didn't know. He felt he had seen enough adventure for one day. Tom left the pawn shop feeling rather curious yet disturbed.

While walking back to the diner he ran into a cute and busty looking girl. He flushed and apologized by allowing himself to pay for a cup of coffee. She had given him her name, Myrtle. He was quite curious about her and she was of him. The two were instantly attracted to each other and she invited him back to her place. Needless to say, he didn't turn her down.

Meanwhile, through the green portal, the gang had ended up on a reserved island. A loud cackle was heard from behind them from a dangerous looking jungle. Daisy, being the most curious, ran straight into the thicket of trees. Nick and Gatsby shared a worried look before following suit. Daisy had stopped and was staring in horror at something just above the trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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