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People always try to find a chance to point out others failure!!
Why don't they mind there own business??

If a failed person gather some courage to again make a fresh start then motivating him is a far thought, people instead demotivate him
By saying

Are jo ab tk much nhi kr paya wo ab konsa tir Mar lega
(The person is not succeed in previous attempt, then now how can he succeed?)

Why the society don't keep there philosophy with themselves??
Is it necessary to be the reason behind someone's demoralisation for them.?.

And they don't stop here, after these demoralizing words,
Then they hire some so called future predicting babas to break the last possible chance of the person to being stay motivated??

What should a person do in such a situation??

How can a person stay positive in this much negativity ???

For a normal guy who wants a fresh start, is there any way to stay away from this negativity??

Yar this is one of the most serious problem of my life!! So much darkness and no one to light the lamp.

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