Will Byers- Snow Ball

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Your P.O.V
Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas,and I have been best friends all our lives, but Will is specially my best friend. I practically almost live in the Byers' residence, I'm always sleeping over, or eating dinner over, I love Joyce as my mother, and Jonathan as my brother. Today was the night for the Snow Ball, so I got ready at my house so the boys wouldn't know what I was wearing, they were so used to see me tomboy style I wanted to see what they would think when they saw me 'pretty' or at least attempting to be. I was wearing a blue, dress with flower details, and some average height heels. My dad took me to the dance. Everyone is dancing and having fun, from what I can hear outside. As I walk in many eyes were on me, Mike looked sad as usual, Dustin was super happy, Lucas was trying to get Max for a dance,and Jonathan was talking to Will. Will, I smiled when I saw him. He looked dashing, extremely handsome,and his pale skin glowed like never before. He started walking towards me as I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Hey, you look really, really pretty." He blushed biting his lip nervously. "Thanks Will, you look quite handsome too." I giggled. "Thank you." He chuckled. Our moment was interrupted by the mouthbreather Troy. "Well, if it isn't for Zombie Boy, and the Freak." Troy blurts. "Leave us alone Troy. Will doesn't deserve to be bullied just because you're insecure about yourself." I glared. "You little Freak, return to where you belong. Nobody asked for your filthy opinion, cause freaks like you dont belong here." Troy spitted, pushing me. "Don't touch her." Will screamed pushing Troy so hard he spilled his drink over himself. "You'll pay for this Zombie Boy." He huffed before running off. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Will asked concerned. "It's alright. But thank you, you showed me you actually care about me." I smiled. "I love you, I always have. I like you a lot." He blushed. "I like you too will." I smiled giving him a hug. A slow song started playing, and I looked at Will. "Do you want to dance? I really don't know how to but we could try." He chuckled . "Of course Will." I smiled grabbing his hand while Time after time by Cyndi Lauper played.

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