Net neutrality

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Net Neutrality is the principle that internet service providers and governments regulating most of the internet must treat all data the same. Without it companies could charge companies if they want them to load faster than others. Small businesses who can't afford to pay for faster speeds will be fucked. Personal blogs? The page loading will be slow. Without net neutrality you would have to pay for faster internet. Internet should be priced by usage instead of speed. Unlimited use isn't really expensive so it's super common. Do you want to pay more for more speed? Of course not that's only one reason why we need net neutrality. We need net neutrality. If a company doesn't like a certain website, boom that bitch has less traffic. Aka censorship.  Also think about the wider costs. Businesses, schools, hospitals, pharmacies, first responders, government services all use the internet. The institutional uses will also pay more for access. The institutional users aren't just gonna eat the costs. They will pass them to us the consumer. Education, healthcare, every product and service, local state, and federal taxes will go up. Losing net neutrality affects the cost of every product and service in the US. Keeping the internet free is important to ensuring the gatekeepers of the internet can't tilt the competitive playing field. One website should not be prioritized over its competitor.  We need net neutrality. Do you want to pay extra for things like tumblr, instagram, wattpad, facebook, Snapchat, etc? You can help save net neutrality by going to and sign the petition, or call your senators, or spread this shit around if you can't do the other things. Please and thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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