Blue Boy (2D)

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What to wear. That is the question. I examine my closet, trying to find a cute outfit that would be appropriate for a date. Unfortunately, I mainly just had t-shirts and three pairs of dress pants that I wore for work. "I seriously need a wardrobe update." I mumble to myself, closing the closet door. I leave my room and go to my roommates room, where I see my roommate lying on the bed, reading a book. "Ciello, do you have a cute dress I can borrow for tonight?" She perks up.

"You? Wear a dress? Oh my God, of course I do!" She springs out of bed and runs over to her closet, throwing the doors open. "What's the occasion?"

I smirk slightly and start messing with my nails. "I have a date." I say nonchalantly. Her eyes widen.

"No way! With who?" She asks, pulling out tons of dresses from her closet. Her and I are basically opposites. She's all for dresses and being girly and fancy, and the fanciest thing I have are my work shoes.

"You know that really cute guy I met at the keyboard shop?" She stops what she's doing and turns to look at me, her brows furrowed as she thinks.

"The one who tried to sell you a porno magazine and called it a bible, or the blue dude?"

I roll my eyes, "the porno guy." I respond, sarcasm laced throughout my words. She freezes. "I'm joking. The guy with blue hair, who's name is Stuart, by the way, asked me out the other day while I was checking out some of the music." She throws the dresses on her bed and runs over to me, scooping me into a hug.

"Ohmygodogmygodohmygod. You finally got asked out by someone who's attractive and sweet all at the same time. This has never happened. Please, Lord, don't let this night get fucked up." She looks up to the ceiling with her hands folded, praying. "I'm so happy for you. Oh, you have to wear something sexy. I think I have just the thing." She walks back over to the pile of dresses and grabs a royal blue dress. "Go try this on and show me." I take the dress and walk back to my room. After slipping the dress on, I notice all the cute details of it. It's sleeves are short, and they both fall off the shoulders. The top is tighter than the bottom, which is very flowy, and the front is shorter than the back. It's beautiful to say the least. I walk back out of my room to show Ciello and she squeals, clapping. "You look so amazing, he is not going to be able to resist you. I can barely resist you right now." I laugh at her comment, and go put on some all black Converse high tops. You wouldn't catch me dead in heels. I curl my hair and twist the front of it back, having Ciello help me a bit. After applying some light makeup, I spray a bit of perfume and take one last look in the mirror. For once, I actually feel happy with my appearance. There's a knock at the front door and I immediately feel my anxiety spike. Taking a deep breath, I leave my room and open the front door, revealing Stuart knelt down, attempting to tie his shoe, his tongue sticking out slightly an his brows furrowed. He looks up, noticing me standing there, and stands up fully, clearing his throat, his shoe still untied.

He looks at me and takes a deep breath, "wow." His eyes linger on my chest before he blinks and looks into my eyes, a slight blush forming on his pale skin. "Y-yew look qui'e uh.. whas the word..." he thinks for a moment then perks up, "stunning. Yew look stunning." He smiles, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. I notice his hair is styled nicely and out of his face, different from his usual messy look. He's wearing a band t-shirt with a nice jacket, and some black jeans paired with some black vans.

"You look great, too." I say, and he starts blushing again. We stand there for a couple of seconds in silence until I speak up, "so, are we gonna go?"

He stands up straight and nods, "yeah, right. Uh, le's go." He holds out his arm and I take it as we walk down the steps to his car, probably a hand me down. After we were both situated in the car, he started driving to our destination, and I noticed that every few seconds he'd look over at me and then back at the road. I could tell he's nervous, and to be honest, I am too. "Uh, I di'n't really know whe'e yew wonted to go, so I kinda jus' chose the fancies' place I could affo'd." I nod, and we listen to the radio quietly. After about twenty more minutes of driving, we pull up to a small restaurant that is lit up by cute little lamps outside. The sign says "Belle's Rose Path" in cursive, and it looks small but fancy. We enter the restaurant, and I immediately smell a pasta of some sort, causing me to realize I'm hungrier than I thought. Stuart tells them the reservations and they sit us a table for two with a white table cloth and a candle in the center. Light classical music plays in the background. Stu immediately grabs a menu, but I take a few seconds, taking in all the scenery.

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