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I flipped the metal cuff between my fingers again, still trying to make sense of it. I had found it in the woods behind my house the other day when I went to investigate a noise I heard. It was storming pretty hard so I ended up concluding that it was just the rain or thunder, but when I first heard it...it almost sounded like yelling. But when I went out, I found this right outside my dad's tool shed, which was wide open. I didn't think much of it at the time, I guess I had been a bit slow at connecting the dots, but I figure that there was someone in the shed, who must've dropped this, but it didn't look like an ordinary fashion accessory. It was thick metal that was almost impossible to bend, even with tools, and was perfectly molded to fit someone's ankle. And engraved on the side was my one clue as to what it was.


That was almost no help at all if I'm being honest.  Those numbers could mean anything.
So now here I was sitting at my desk, trying (and failing) to get through a damn project, but I always came back to staring at the anklet. And I couldn't help but wonder about the person who must've dropped it. Were they in trouble? Were they alright? Who were they?
I ended up falling asleep at my desk before I could think about it much longer.


I walked along the sidewalk on the way to school as I did every day, but something still felt different. I just couldn't shake my thoughts from last night. But I knew that I would have to soon, I really couldn't afford to be caught zoning out in class anymore. Thankfully my train of thought was broken by pressure on my shoulder, which as I looked up I found to be the arm of Wade around my shoulder.

"Hey dude, what's up with you? I was calling your name the whole way over here."

"Sorry, I'm just...I dunno..."

"What happened? Are you okay? Are you dying?"

"No, don't think so. I just...okay, this stays between us, got it?"

I waited for him to slowly nod before continuing. I didn't want my parents to end up finding out about it, but Wade was one of my best friends and I trusted him with my life.

"So over the weekend some weird shit happened. Basically when it was storming, I thought I heard something. I'm not sure what but it sounded like a person, so I went to check and the shed was open and I found this weird metal band in there. And...I think someone was in there. I dunno dude, it really shook me up I guess."

"Damn, that's weird. Well, if you want I can come over after school and check it out with you."

"I'd appreciate that. I didn't really have the heart to go check again, but I didn't see anything else. And the band doesn't have anything on it except some numbers."

"Like a medical type band?"

"Maybe, but I don't think they make those out of metal."

"I suppose that depends on where you go."

"Really? Tell me one hospital that makes their id bands out of metal."

"Fine, not a medical band. Anyways, we should probably get going so we're not late. We can check it out after school."

"Sounds good."

We walked into the building and parted ways as I went to my first period. Everything seemed normal as I went to the back as I normally did and sat down. I had science first period and although it was a downer first thing in the morning, it was one of my favorite classes. But I didn't have any friends in this class, so I ended up just sitting on my own. That is, until today.

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