Chapter Five⎮Execution

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Guards seized Elsa by the arms the moment she disembarked the ferry. Someone handcuffed Hans as an afterthought. Dragging them through the harbour reopened his wound.

"Let me go!" bellowed Elsa. Ice burst forth from the floor at the men who apprehended her. "I am your queen!"

General Lindberg struggled to restrain her. "Sorry, ma'am. Not anymore."

Bystanders did not spare even a glance, obviously afraid to interfere. Elsa growled and flicked her hand. Three guards froze looking horrified.

"Elsa! Elsa, stop!" Hans could barely stand, let alone shout.

A mangle of fury and fear was evident in her eyes as she turned to listen.

Don't be the monster they fear you are.

They were back in the icy palace. Cold penetrated through Hans' cloak and dread hung in the air like fog. Empathy had filled Hans then and it did now.

He tried to raise his hand in a calming gesture, but a guard jerked him back by the shackles. "Elsa, your citizens will die if you harm Aleksander's men."

She relinquished and assumed a regal stance. Hans gave in to the pain when more human popsicles was no longer an imminent threat. Guards snapped manacles around Elsa's wrists and shoved them off toward the palace.

They waited in the throne room which was redecorated with an alarming amount of red and gold. Prince Erik entered. Shafts of sunlight from high windows sparkled off his crown and rekindled hope in Hans' heart.

But hope died away as another, taller figure arrived. Guards stood at attention.

King Aleksander's strides were punctuated by the reverberating click of perfectly shined boots. His flaxen hair glowed in the light while shadows accented his angular face. Hans was instantly reminded of clawing at the stone walls of a well, teeth chattering as he cried out, and arrant hatred.

Elsa clenched her jaw and glared. "Bring. Me. My. Sister."

Aleksander stopped. The emblem of the two-faced lion was woven into his suit.

"If you want to see Anna..."

A low, silvery voice that had taunted Hans for years. One that made him want to puke.

"...her public execution is scheduled for tomorrow. Along with dear Kristoff and Olaf."

"You son of a bitch," hissed the queen.

He brushed dirt off Elsa's shoulder. "Language, my lady. Take them to their cell."

Hans staggered as a rough hand thrust him forward. He glanced back to silently plead with Erik. Erik closed his eyes, under which were dark circles.

The iron cell door slammed shut and its metallic clang resonated in Hans' ears. Elsa kicked the bars then plopped on a bench. Hans slumped against the wall. A tidal wave of thoughts and emotions surged in his mind. Elsa hugged her knees.

"Why did you do it?"

It took a while to realise the voice was external. "Please specify."

Elsa shrugged as frost crawled up the filthy walls. "Why did you lie to Anna and me? Why did you try to kill us? Why did the Southern Isles plot against Arendelle?"

"Because we're power-hungry bastards apparently."

"That's it!" Elsa pinned him to the wall with ice. "Anna may die tomorrow, all right? This isn't a game!"

Hans melted through his bonds and took off his gloves to reveal pallid, trembling fingers.

"When I was three my powers were discovered and it terrified everyone. Mama was ill. Melancholic mostly, but she had these...fits. They worsened by the time I was seven and all my brothers blamed me. Except Erik. Six years later, a servant nearly died in a fire. Erik plucked up the courage to save her. Have you seen the scars on his arms?"

Elsa nodded a little.

"My fault. When Mama d-died"—Hans' voice broke—"Aleksander tossed me down a well to 'douse my flame'. He said her suicide was my fault, the demon child. Erik found me and got help. Anyway, I was so angry. Guilt was a constant burden and Papa said I would never amount to anything. It's no excuse. I regret what I did, Elsa. I really do."

There was a profound silence. It seemed to last hours.

Elsa lifted his chin, tears freezing at her touch. "We need to save Anna."

"Absolutely." He summoned fire and imagined his brother. "This message will hopefully reach Erik. I believe he may help us yet."

An hour passed. Only now did the prince traipse down into the dungeons holding a flickering torch that scattered dancing shadows. Erik listened to Elsa's request.

Hans' brother rubbed a hand over his mouth. "Saving Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf will be near impossible."

"That's the spirit brother dear."

Elsa froze her handcuffs so they shattered and fell away. She grabbed a fistful of Erik's expensive woollen cloak and jerked him closer. "What I did just now could happen to you."


"I am a queen."

"—Your Majesty. To defeat Aleksander means his death. And as much as I resent the fact he is still my brother."

Hans spat on the floor. "He can burn in hell for all I care."

"Are all Westergaards so bloodthirsty?" grumbled the Snow Queen. "We need a plan and preferably one lacking murder."

Erik paced, then nodded. "Okay. Okay. My friend used harnesses one time because some Janus members were convicted. She said they didn't die while hanging. I could get her to be your 'executioner.'"

"Wait," interrupted Hans, "Is this friend the same woman who helped me escape prison?"

"Yes. She's m-my, uh"—Erik blushed—"You can trust Rayna. Play dead and leave the rest to me. Also, Olaf will be burned at the stake so you must rebuild him."

Elsa crossed her arms. "What about Aleksander?"

A shadow seemed to pass over Erik's weary face. "You needn't worry. Elsa, guide your friends away from the chaos that will inevitably follow. Hans, run. Understand?"

They nodded solemnly.

Torch light flickered red on his crown. " goes nothing."

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