Chapter Six ⎮Bittersweet

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Aleksander ordered gallows to be set up in the exact middle of the palace courtyard where he could watch from a balcony. Beside him was Erik, Magnus, and Isak. Commoners, guards, and nobles flocked together around it. No one dared speak louder than a whisper—even young children knew the gravity of the situation.

Today the old queen and her followers would be hanged.

"Let us bring a swift and effective end to the reign of a witch and begin a new era guided by a wise and just ruler," said King Aleksander by way of concluding his speech.

There was thunderous applause.

Following the ovation was a procession of prisoners whose faces were obscured by bags over their heads—all except one. Hans knew Aleksander wanted Elsa's face to twist with agony as the noose yanked her in the air.

Hans wished he and Elsa could use their powers now, but Erik had warned civilians would get caught in the crossfire. Elsa was hell-bent on preventing that.

Rayna wore the robes and mask of a proper executioner as she lead them up the scaffold. Hans felt the presence of a fire and knew it was intended for Olaf. His heart fluttered fearfully as the noose slipped around his bare neck. When Rayna surreptitiously adjusted the straps of their harnesses, Hans' anxiety subsided.

No one dies today, Aleksander.

"Mama," whispered a small child in the somber crowd, "I don't want the princess and queen to go."

The mother soothed him in hushing tones. Hans realised this boy reminded him of another. Mama, I don't want magic. He shuddered.

"Any last words?" came the silvery voice of Arendelle's new king.

It was Queen Elsa who replied. "Not today."

A moment of silence.

There was a sudden jerk and Hans felt himself suspended in air. He lolled his head and remained as limp as possible. The position strained his injured leg and Hans grit his teeth to keep from yelping. The audience gasped and murmured among themselves.

Rayna lowered each 'corpse', pulled the bags off their heads, and untied their wrists. Hans peeked at the balcony where Aleksander lounged wearing a triumphant smirk.

He caught it just in time.

A dagger blade flashed in the light as Erik plunged it into Aleksander's neck. Blood spurted from King Aleksander's mouth and citizens shrieked with horror. For a split second, Erik stared uncomprehendingly at the slumped form of his dead brother.

The other princes scrambled away while guards sprang after the unexpected assassin.

"ERIK!" yelled Hans, seeing one draw a crossbow. "Look out!"

Erik uttered Hans' name before the arrow struck him in the chest. The prince grasped the railing, then fell. Hans watched in slow motion as Erik hit the ground with a heart wrenching thud.

Hans charged through the pandemonium. "Move! He's my brother! My brother! ERIK!"

People parted like the Red Sea and watched Hans kneel beside Erik's crumpled body. Hans rolled him over and held him close. Blood ran down the prince's chalky white face, bubbled at his mouth, and stained Hans' trousers.

"Erik," whispered Hans, "Please stay...don't go...I love you."

Vague happiness flickered in Erik's stormy blue eyes prior to glazing over. He exhaled and Hans could feel no more pulse. Hans shook his head as tears dripped onto Erik's soiled cloak.

Erik was gone.

Rayna dropped beside them, muttering under her breath while sobbing. "No. W-what happened to our h-happily ever a-after? Oh, Erik..."

The effect of her words was deadened by numbing misery that devastated Hans. Elsa padded over with Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and a rebuilt Olaf. All were speechless as the grieving man clung to the bloody corpse of his best friend and brother.

The queen regained her authority and ordered everyone away. When the courtyard emptied, Elsa and her friends left Hans to mourn in private. He wept until there were no more tears to shed.

Hans sat silent now amidst a raging fire. He made sure none of its flames touched Erik. Though the magic roared, there was never a silence so loud.

A red sun sank below the horizon with a flash of green and Hans' roaring inferno died away.

*    *    *

The twenty-eighth of October. Erik should have turned thirty-two today. Hans should have been released by now.

King Victor allowed him to visit the outdoor columbarium sometimes, holding a fistful of wilted flowers. Hans would sit there trying not remember the bright morning of March 15, 1841. It was the last time he would see his brother.

Hans had lost too much that day. The part of him that loved and hoped relied on Erik. It was gone now and he didn't know if he could find it again.

And Elsa. She never visited. Never even sent a letter. Hans would linger outside, fantasising that she might come around one day.

He shivered in the crisp autumn air.


Queen Elsa stood behind him wearing emerald and silver.

"I know it's been a while since...since we...And in that time I managed to convince King Victor to release you." She paused for Hans' reaction. When all there was to see was apathy, Elsa ploughed on, "Anna was angry at first but she realised that maybe you changed. Maybe you were better now."

"What do you think?" He emphasised 'you' slightly.

Elsa glanced at the name engraved in stone. "I didn't even know Erik, yet he saved my life. But he knew you and he loved you.

"When you leave prison today I hope you remember that you have an ally in Arendelle. Because I...I forgive you."

Something rekindled within Hans. Something absent since Queen Ebba and Erik's deaths. There was still pain, but less so than a moment before. He stepped forward and kissed the Snow Queen's cheek.

"Thank you."

She smiled, blushing. Then Elsa pulled him close to kiss his lips. Hans felt a pleasant warmth radiate inside.

Together, arm in arm, they left the columbarium to enjoy sunny weather rare to October.

The end.

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My sister who listened to crappy rough drafts and was a creative consultant; my brother who provided "constructive" criticism; aveonalily who is an amazing, supportive reader/friend; and anyone reading this. Thank you all.

Until the next story.

Until the next story

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