Chapter 2 - The Butterfly

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"My provisions are finished. I'm done for. If the zombies don't kill me, starvation will."
That is what I said.

Before I found it.

I was sitting in my cave, crying and drawing in the dirt. Its musk filled my nostrils and cave water dripped onto my back. I realized I hadn't bathed in so long, and I was just as stinky as the dirt I drew in. I used a grimy fingernail to dig in the shape of my family, and then a turkey dinner. But I knew one thing.

I would have to go out soon to search for food.
"This is my life now," I sighed. A whisper. A breath. I thought about a movie I had watched before the zombies came. Years before. It was about a man in an apocalypse. He had gone absolutely nuts. I hoped I wouldn't end up like him.

That was when I saw it.

It was like a piece of paper. Delicate. Soft on the eyes. Slightly crumpled in places. Magical.
A black-bodied, golden-winged butterfly.

Just like how Hope would draw it.

It fluttered just in front of the cave entrance, enticing me to come nearer. It glowed slightly. I got up and brushed off my torn, dusty picnic dress. I stumbled slightly, but the butterfly simply hovered there, as if waiting for me. And as soon as I got up, it dashed inside, going deep into the cave. I was startled by this, but then instantly pursued it. The cave got darker and darker, but somehow the butterfly got brighter and brighter.

"What is this??" I yelled, picking up speed.

And for a second I thought I heard my little sister.

Hearing me. Answering me.



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