4 oh..phyical exams..i feel a headache coming on.

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3rd P.O.V

The silver headed male swept his soft locks out of his eyes as he smiled at one of his customers. He wore a midnight black Kimono with red hair pins in his hair."I'm Glad you came today lovelies, I was worried you'd think it would be too chilly." The tanned male said smiling.

"O-oh..we're fine, we wouldn't wanna leave you to be alone with anyone to talk to. Right girls?" She ask causing the other banana dressed ladies nod as well.

"Don't worry he'd have us " the twins said dropping their arms around the teal eyed male causing the girls to swoon at the sight.

"Yeah, I have my boys here, I would of been fine, I hope you lovelies don't catch a cold because of me" Ikuto gave them a sparkling smile.

Ikutos's P.O.V

I felt the arms around me disappear after a few seconds as those two went back to their customers. Once my customers left I heard glass clatter and immediately turned around to see Kaoru with a burnt finger while Hikaru sucking on it to cool it down. With a few long strides I swooped in beside them and ripped a small piece of my Kimono off at the end. Before gently taking his finger from Hikaru and wrapping it.

"Are you alright Kao?" I ask kissing his wrapped finger watching pinkness explode on his cheeks, in the back ground I hear the squeals and coo's of our customers." Do you need to go to the nurse?"

"N-no.. I'm fine..Thank you Hikaru, thank you Ikuto" he said softly gazing up at the two of us.

"You should try and be more careful Kaoru, I hate seeing you hurt." Hikaru said kissing the same finger as I did. With a smile I stood deciding to go check on Mitskuni.

"I'll be by the tree later if you two want to sit with me" I said kissing both of their heads before heading over to my sister, Takashi, and of course Mitskuni.

" Iku-Kun! Look look! I'm making the ladies tea!" The blonde said happily as he kept spinning the matcha at a rapid pace while I sat next to him. Jesus Christ he's majorly over doing it.

"Mitskuni," the tall raven haired male said placing his hand on his shoulder." You over did it."

Mitskuni paused before tearing up"I...im sorry" with a sigh I scoop him up in my arms holding him.

"Hey now, don't cry Bunbun-kun, we can try again but this time I'll help how's that sound hmm?" I ask wiping his tears off with my sleeve.

"Really?....OK!" He said happily as he hugged me.

"He sure handles Honey-Senpai as well as you doesn't he Mori-Senpai?" I heard Haruhi whisper to Takashi over the fangirling ladies causing me to smile.

A small 'yeah ' was heard in the background by Takashi while I started helping Mitsukuni with the matcha making sure he was more careful.

I felt a pair of glares from behind, instantly knowing who it was I smirked and held the blonde closer in my arms as I helped him.

" Now, go slow, yeah like that" he chuckles" I'll share some cheesecake with you for doing a good job." I said as he handed each girl their cups.

"Thank you Honey-Senpai! Thank you Ikuto-Senpai!" The girls chorused together smiling happily.


I sigh as sat down at the base of the blossoming Sakura tree crossing my arms, I barely noticed Haruhi move over to stand next to me"it's beautiful isn't it?" I mutter softly closing my already heavy eyes.

"It sure is." She smiled looking up before being rudely interrupted by a blonde fool spouting off probably something to do with beauty or something.

Hands Off My Sister! (OHSHC BL twins story) *EDITING *Where stories live. Discover now