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~Tuesday November 28th, 2016~ ~5:00a.m.~ Kassidy's p.o.v.

"KASSIDY!!!" I awoke to my sister, Kate, screaming in my ear.

"I'm up. Go see mom." I say, rubbing my eyes. She walks out of my room, turning the light on as she walked past.

I sat up and pushed myself off the side of my bed. I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit before I did my hair any makeup.

For my outfit, I chose to wear my favorite greyish crop top, with a pair of garage leggings. I decided to wear some white Adidas shoes. I also put on the ring my dad bought for me before he got into the accident. I quickly put my hair in two french braids before going to see my family.

"Hey Kass, I need you to drive katie to school this morning. Bring Chris too!" My mom yells before exiting the room.

I grabbed the plate of bacon and eggs my mom had left before me and munched out before grabbing Chris and Katie.


As we entered the building, there was a sweaty idling our nostrils.

"Ew, I need to go find my friends... they told me to go to Matt's first period, which is room 228, after I get my schedule. " Chris says before continuing to walk to the front office.

"Who's Matt? And how do you already have friends here?" I ask rolling my eyes, not surprised by the fact my brother already fits in.

"My friend, and it doesn't matter." He stated before the lady in the office gathered our attention.

"Can I help you?" She says with the fakest smile on her face. I go to talk, but Chris beats me to it.

"Hi, we're new and we need our schedule." He says, basically drooling over the middle aged looking woman that had her tits barely in her shirt.

"What're your names?" She says checking my brother out.

"Chris and Kassidy Bradberry." He responds with a wink.

Nobody knows this, but Chris and I are actually half brother and sister. Our dad's both left our mom when we were young. Chris' dad left when he found out my mom was having a baby, and hasn't talked to him since... and my dad got into an accident after a stupid fight he had with our mom. Chris looked up to him and saw him as basically his dad, but after that happened he completely cut himself off from wanting a father figure. He doesn't talk much about his feelings and sometimes I worry about him.

I was snapped out of thought when I felt a hard push on my shoulder. I shot my head to the side I was pushed on and saw Chris with my schedule.

"Can I have it, please?" I ask nicely, but he shakes his head no before running off in the opposite direction of me.

I thought to myself for a second before remembering that he had said he was going to room 228, so I hoped for the best and started walking up the closest set of stairs I could find.

I walked around for at least ten minutes before finding room 228. My palms were sweaty as I walked through the door, making eye contact with my brother.

I walked over to him before speaking.

"Can I please have my schedule? The bell is going to ring soon and I don't even know my way around the school anymore." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Kassidy, you're never going to believe this..." Chris starts. I soon realize that there's a group of guys and they were all looking at us confused.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow in response.

"You have classes with all of my friends. You have at least two guys in each of your classes." Chris explains while walking over to his friends.

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