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~Friday December 1st, 2016~ ~11:43.~ Kassidy's p.o.v.

"Alright class, now... because Christmas break is coming up, so is the end of the semester. Now, we have our exit projects we need to get started on." Mrs. Henry started. "We're going to do partner work, so I hope you can all go to each other houses over the break. Now, here are your parents;

Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky

Amelia rose, and Connor legge

Austin malic, and karrisa lemure

Then, I heard something that caught my attention.

"Kassidy, you get to pick your partner because you're new. Pick wisely." She says, causing the main attention of the room to shift from her to me.

"Ummm...." I looked around trying to pick a person. I was about to pick the smartest guy in the class as an easy pass... But the guy from my 1st period seemed slightly different and it caused me to pick him. "The guy in the back, I don't know his name..." I quietly whisper.

"Cameron Dallas... You're going to be her first partner on a project. Listen to her and please don't make her get a bad mark for your inconsiderate self. Also, kassidy, tell me if he doesn't show up." She says before continuing with the list of people.

~After school~ 3:25

Text messages: Chris & Kassidy

Chrisypoo👅😍: hey Kass, can Matt and a few other friends come with us? Or do you not have enough room?

Kass: Sure, who tho?

Chrisypoo👅😍: Matt, Nash, Shawn, and Taylor.

Kass: I hope you realize I don't have enough seats. So if I get pulled over you're getting in trouble with mom. I also have to do a project with a guy I don't know and my teacher told us to meet after school so I have to take him with me. I highly doubt he's going to show up though.

Chrisypoo👅😍: Okay, well... I still want to have my friends over:/ pleases me the best sister ever just this one time.

I thought to myself before answering. If I tell him that they can come, I'm not letting Cameron in my car. I don't know any of them and it's an uncomfortable feeling having one stranger in your car. But I don't want to disappoint my brother, like I always do.

I started typing when I felt a tap on my back. I turned around to see Cameron ready to go. I looked at the time, and was shocked to see it was 3:40. I'd been waiting 20 minuets and I was pissed.

"Thanks for coming. Let's go." I say, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

As we got into my car I noticed scars on his arms. My heart automatically sunk and I became sad.

"So... how old are you?" I ask, trying to start conversation.

"Eighteen." He states bluntly.

"Cool, I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in November." I say as I pull out of the parking lot. I plugged my six cord in and put my playlist on shuffle. 'Pick it up' by famous dex came on and I had the urge to sing and dance like I normally would, but it was different with him here.

~At the house

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask as I open the door.

"I'm not even in your house yet, chill." He says laughing.

"I'm sorry, I've just never really had people over here yet." I say laughing then becoming serious again.

"Did you just move here?" He asks.

"Kinda, I mean... my mom used to basically live down here before we all moved with her. My brother and I were basically my sisters parents. But that's not the point. We just moved here like three or four days, so yeah." I say, forgetting what I was going to say at the end.

We both walked into my room and he sat on my bed.

"Okay, so what are we even doing?" He asks, looking at me.

"Please tell me you're joking." I shoot back desperately.

"Nope. You picked the worst person possible for yourself. You had an easy pass and instead you took the fail. That's all I'm saying." He says, looking down.

"That's not true. I've seen some of the notes you've taken. In fact; I've copied your notes down so I knew what we were learning. You are smart, you just don't push yourself. Now get down here and help me do this project." I say with a stern voice.

"Fine." He says and he sits on the floor.

~5:27 p.m.

"Cameron stop!" I yelled laughing.

"No way, get back here. I need to stick the Brand name on it!" He yells, tackling me.

I looked over and seen he had the project in his hands.

"CAMERON NOOOOOOO" I yell, grabbing the project before he can stick the adidas brand name on it.

"KASSIDY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING UP HE-." Chris came barging in, but he immediately stopped when he saw Cameron. I could tell Cameron became uncomfortable when he saw Chris, not realizing he's my brother.

"Chris get out you asshole." I blurt while trying to fight him to close the door.

"No way! You get out. This is my new best friend! Let me have friends!" He says opening the door.

At this point, Cameron had already been sitting on the bed again like he had been before we started doing our project. Chris walked up to him and held his hand out for Cameron to take.

"Hello, I'm Chris, I'm kassidy's older brother." He says while shaking his hand.

"Hi. I'm Cameron." Cameron responds.

"Do you want to come into my room instead of being in here?" He asks and Cameron shakes his head while following him.

"Cameron you forgot to help me pick up our project." I tell from the other side of my closed door.

He came rushing back in.

"I'm sorry." He says coming over to me. He helped pick up the project before leaving again.

Since I was by myself, I decided to get comfortable in My pjs. I put on my black lace bralette with string going between where my cleavage is. It's a little bit more for when you have a special person but I like the way I look in it. I also but on my black Calvin's before hopping in bed.

~4:00 a.m.

I opened my eyes slowly, waking up from one of the best sleeps I've had in a while.


I heard a huge bang coming from my front door and I became scared. I got out of bed, being the only person awake, and went to go see who it was. I tiptoed down the stairs and peaked around the corner to see the front door.

I couldn't see anything so I had to still go closer. I went to the front door and saw A large group of guys at the door. They were all attractive and I saw Matt so I opened the door, but only enough so they could see my face and not my half naked body.

"Hello?" I say with my head sticking out.

"Dang... is Chris here?" One of the guys ask.

"Yes. Why?" I start, it get interrupted by Chris pulling the door open and pushing me out of the way so he can see his friends.

"CHRIS!!!" I yell, running where nobody can see me.

"IM SORRY!" He yells back.

I walked up the stairs, but regret it when I saw Cameron coming down. He saw me and smiled until he realized I was half naked, then he looked away.

"I'm sorry, but you guys are def." I say going into my bedroom. I passed out not long after that.


Chapter 4=✔️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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