4 Underappreciated Relationships in NDRV3

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Today, I'm recording a video I thought I'd never in my life make. One with a script.

I've been told by many viewers and even real life peers that I tend to wander off topic when presenting something. I never realized how true that was until I watched one of my most recent rants. My god was I ignorant.

So, here's an attempt at a scripted video on something I'd really like to shed some light on. V3. Specifically, the relationships within V3.

Whether or not you like any of these characters and/or dynamics mentioned, I'd like you to stay. You clicked, you suffer.

However I'd also like to say that I can't for the love of God time my videos, so bare with me. I do not own any of the pics used.

Timestamps are provided in the description below in case you'd like to skip a pairing I talk about in this video. You know what's also in this video? SPOILERS. So you have been warned.

Keep in mind that I will not mention if I like a pairing as a romantic one. I'd like to be kept at a neutral when discussing this.

Ready? Let's discuss.

Four, Himiko and Kokichi. Almost everyone watching as seen my Oumeno video so I hope I don't need to mention my feelings towards the characters presented here. It is the same as always.

Despite that, their relationship, or rather their dynamic is something very much overlooked by the fandom. Honestly, it is one of the more interesting dynamics in the game.

Both characters, although acting very different, believed they needed to be independent to survive.

Himiko pushed everyone away by simply putting on a front of being lazy and hiding how she truely feels. She believed she didn't need any help, evidenced by the hilarious scene of when declining Gonta's help, she's met with an over 9000 version of Gonta exclaiming "You don't need any help?" only to withdraw her previous statement.

Or when she declined any of Tenko's help and/or offers.

Kokichi is very similarly with wanting to be independent, but for different reasons it seems.

Though he very much wants to survive, it seems like his mask is put up when it really isn't needed. He also has this act on and pulls it to the extreme with stuff like "Did you really think I'd cry over Gonta?!"

It isn't canon, but it's very much speculated that the reason his mask is put up is because of his lack of trust within people or because of his paranoia of said people betraying and lying to him being that strong.

Either way, he puts on this mask to drive people away, which is his survival method. He believes he needs to be independent.

It is interesting that both had masks of solitude problem-solving at the start, but both characters started depending on people at almost the exact same time.

Because of Tenko and Kokichi, Himiko learns that she can indeed put her emotions out there. Along with this, she allows herself to be dependent of her inmates. She not only accepts help, but she even asks for assistance herself, my favorite moment of when she asks for a piggy back ride in Chapter 5 and everyone ignores her.

This extreme change of hers becomes present in Chapter 4's beginning.

Kokichi's dependency is a lot more forced in his situation.

His major plans in Chapters 4 and 5 had to involve other people. If he wanted a successful plan, he had to work and rely on other people.

But because everything was so forceful, all his plans were failures. If his plan was to end everyone's suffering by sacrificing Miu and Gonta, that certainly did not work. If his plan was to trick Monokuma by having Kaito go along with the script, it had failed due to Shuichi being the superior ultimate detective. Suck it Kirigiri.

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