Rantaro Amami, From What I've Gathered

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For me, I usually stick to an opinion I have about a character to the very end, especially if it's negative. If I find a character annoying, I'm more prone to be biased when their development comes around, and it'll take a lot to woo me over. Even if that does end up happening, I'll usually try to cover that up. I don't like changing my opinion.

Danganronpa does not fall as an exception. That is, until V3 came out. Well I mean when I was spoiled for it, but you get the point.

Like most people, I was really turned off by Ryoma Hoshi's design. All the other characters before him who had a very unique design compared to the rest of the cast with the exception of Sakura fell into the category of "Characters that I just won't end up liking." And when I was spoiled of the game's entirety and even watched some Japanese gameplay, my feelings against Ryoma stayed sharp. I didn't hate him, but I didn't want to like him.

Kaito Momota also turned me off, mostly because of his voice and how he came off as an overconfident guy who had way too much fun yelling. I did think he was the mastermind and that's what helped me stay a little interested in him at least.

I didn't have the best feelings for these characters, but when I looked deeper into things and actually watched the beginning of chapter 1 instead of skipping right to the investigation, I learned to like these boys.

Ryoma was sadly really relatable and realistic for someone of his archetype. And Kaito is just grazing my top 5 favorite characters of the series, trailing just behind everyone's favorite Shitler Kokichi.

And this is where we reach a very interesting case, pun intended. Rantaro Amami.

From the very beginning, I did not like this guy. I didn't even like his design since it just screamed playboy that would take advantage of both girls and guys. He was sketchy and I didn't like how it was brushed off so easily. No one suspected him of being suspicious literally but himself.

I had such a bad feeling about him that I never really paid attention to the him when he was just talking like a normal guy. But then, that part in chapter 1 hit. I was shocked. So shocked that after a good ten seconds of 'Oh fucks,' I rewatched the entire gameplay again so I could know how he was really like.

I didn't hate him anymore. In fact, I liked him, nothing more though. My opinions kept switching around. I liked him, I didn't, no I did. There was even a time where I downright hated him. But when I was actually done with the game and knew enough about it to make an opinion, I decided that I really liked Rantaro.

As time flew by, he became my 6th favorite V3 character, and just squeezed in to my top 15 DR characters in general. Let me tell you one thing. That does NOT happen often with me.

I must warn you now. If you haven't even made it past the first chapter, leave now. Anything said about Rantaro's character can and will be a spoiler. This entire video is spoilers for the game's entirety. This is not a video where I gush and spill my reasons to adore this avacado siscon. This is a video dedicated to doing my best to explain Rantaro's character in the main story.

If you proceed from this point on, please know that I've warned you.

But if you have played the whole game, please note that this is not an analysis video of any kind. Rantaro is very much a mystery, especially after he dies. Why was he at the library? Why did he look like he was purposely going to the hidden door? Why did he try so hard not to be seen? Was he the Ultimate Guacamole or what? It takes until chapter 6 for the answers to come rolling.

Let's start from the start, but with chapter 6's info.

Rantaro from the beginning doesn't remember his talent. This can be concluded if you actually have seen the beginning of everything. Before he even knows he's in a killing game, he tells Kaede that he doesn't remember his talent. He has no reason to lie to her right now, especially since his survivor perk mentioned that they wipe your memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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