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"Good luck, Kwan!"

"Areum don't you dare leave me with these!"

"Go do your responsibility as a father!"

"How do you make an oatmeal?"

"Google can answer your question, dear. Now, bye! Hyojung and my friends are needing me right now."


The sound of the door slammed was heard, Seungkwan's long sigh following after it.

Hyemi breaks the silence. "Appaaaaaaaa let's play!"

"Doll house doll house!" Hyeri joins in.

Seungkwan just smiled at his two adorable daughters.

"Okay, princesses."


"Hi chingus~~~" Areum chirped before sitting down at the vacant seat beside Hyojung. "So how is life doing?"

"It feels amazing!" Hyojung chimed. "I just loved the fact that my huge crush from college is now my love."

"That was the same fact for me too." Areum comments. "Sure it feels amazing. What about you, Souhyun?"

"Work." Souhyun huffs. "Work had been on the way as an annoying obstacle."

"And Hansollie?"

"He's also busy with work."

"Both of you guys haven't had families yet?" Areum suddenly questions.

Souhyun nearly choked on her tea. "That's, well, um—"

"Maybe when it's summer, me and Soonyoung could make one. It's pretty hectic during winters for works are too much of a dreadful stack." Hyojung answers, trying to be casual with the conversation.

"I guess we'll go with that too." Souhyun says. "I am afraid that maybe our work will get more complicated during the summer."

"Well, guys, I wish you luck," Areum winked. "And I just had to share my experience with my married life too. So, Seungkwan is—"

"Ayo ayo," chirps a voice from wherever she was just right after the sound of bell ringing from ontop of the café's entrance door was heard.

"And here comes the Lee." Areum stated.

"Hi Chae, how you doing? It had been a long time." Hyojung says as the girl sat beside her.

"I'm fine." Chae replies. "I know it had really been a long time."

"How was work in Paris? I heard you did well." Souhyun spoke.

"Oh dear, Paris was pure hell!" Chae exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows. "I already told Areum about it."

Souhyun and Hyojung then looked at Areum.

Areum nodded, about to spoke. "She barely spoke French and babbled Korean all the time but only to Seokmin. Thanks to him, he was translating everything she said in Korean into French to people who talked to them. So they had to just continue here locally because he knows how much she have been suffering so far."

Chae gaped at her. It was exactly what she had just said to her.

"Aww, all I knew was 'bonjour'!" Hyojung giggles. "I'm glad he saved you though. Soonyoung is a pure tease to me."

"Anyways, may I ask about your children, Reummie? Hyeri and Hyemi I mean." Souhyun says. "Where are they?"

"At home of course, I left them to Seungkwan. I had to see if he really does know the responsibilities of a father."

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