Just be you!

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You don't have to change to be loved. If you do then it want love in the first place. Now I'm not saying that if you change over time that your partner didn't love you because that's not it. If someone loves you they will try everything to make it work, you're worth so much more than anything else in this world. Nothing could replace a person like you, because no matter how much we argue there will never be anyone EXACTLY like you. You are perfectly imperfect with all of your flaws and deserve the world. So if you carry on reading this book, I just wanted to send out a good message before I began. If any of you ever need to talk to me then please either pm me or just ask in the comments. I'd do anything I could to help, even if you are a complete stranger to me. Everyone in this world just needs a little love sometimes. It's only human nature. Please, smile and don't forget to stay beautiful/ handsome/ or just amazing the way that only you could ever be. If you like the story then please support me and share and vote...it would help so much.

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